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Help: new ATL project compilation errors?


1, in VS2003, new ATL project, "application Settings" in the server type selection for the executable file (EXE), engineering, to add the ATL simple object, the name is "test", add, after the completion of project smoothly by compiling, among them, the "test. RGS" file is as follows:
ATLProject. Test. 1=s' test Class '
Clsids=s' {83 e12663 - f2f E404-4-9873 - E34621101AFC} '
The=s ATLProject 'test Class'
Clsids=s' {83 e12663 - f2f E404-4-9873 - E34621101AFC} '
CurVer=s' ATLProject. Test. 1 '
NoRemove clsids
ForceRemove {83 e12663 - f2f E404-4-9873 - E34621101AFC}=s' test Class '
=s' ProgID ATLProject. Test. 1 '
VersionIndependentProgID=s' ATLProject. Test '
ForceRemove 'Programmable'
LocalServer32='% MODULE %' s
Val AppID='% AppID %' s
'TypeLib'='s' {17801 Ada - B5B6-47 bd - BE1E - D01FD98450E7} '

ATLProject_i. C file:
X99db507b MIDL_DEFINE_GUID (IID, IID_Itest, 0, 0, xb6d7 x4f61 0, 0 x98, 0 x81, 0 xee, 0 x6b, 0 x5e, 0 x84, 0 x0a, 0 x14);

X17801ada MIDL_DEFINE_GUID (IID, LIBID_ATLProjectLib, 0, 0, xb5b6 x47bd 0, 0 xbe, 0 x1e, 0 xd0, 0 x1f, 0 xd9, 0 x84, 0 x50, 0 xe7);

X83e12663 MIDL_DEFINE_GUID (clsids CLSID_test, 0, 0, xe404 x4f2f 0, 0 x98, 0 x73, 0 xe3, 0 x46, 0 x21, 0 x10, 0 x1a, 0 XFC);

2, in the new version VS (operating system: win10 enterprise edition, VS: VS2017 Professional) same as above the same way as new ATL project, after the completion of the build, compile, same error results suggest, information is as follows:
Severity code shows the project file line prohibits display status
Error MIDL2455 The feature always be 2 on The target system: disable_consistency_check [Parameter 'apt of Procedure' SelectAndPositionItems (Interface 'IFolderView)] ATLProject C: \ Program Files \ Windows (x86) Kits 10 \ \ Include \ 10.0.16299.0 \ um \ shobjidl_core idl 1666

Message for "& gt; C: \ Program Files \ Windows (x86) Kits 10 \ \ Include \ 10.0.16299.0 \ um \ shobjidl_core idl (1666) : error MIDL2455: The feature always be 2 on The target system: disable_consistency_check [Parameter 'apt of Procedure' SelectAndPositionItems (Interface 'IFolderView)]
1> Generating project has been completed "ATLProject vcxproj" operations - failure,

At this time, check Test. RGS
NoRemove clsids
ForceRemove {ffef71 - bd45 58-422 - f - ae37 - df6feb76c9c1}=s' test class '
ForceRemove Programmable
LocalServer32='% MODULE %' s
Val ServerExecutable='% MODULE_RAW %' s
TypeLib=s' {44 ff - ba72 a8-958 - c - 754419-11 a8a20c364c} '
Version='1.0' s

what is the cause of the above? How to solve? Thank you

CodePudding user response:

If installed VS2017, relevant component is not installed?
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