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VB2008 image rotation


Me. PictureBox2. Image=Me. PictureBox1. Image
Me. PictureBox3. Image=Me. PictureBox1. Image
Me. PictureBox2. Image. RotateFlip (RotateFlipType. Rotate90FlipNone)
Me. PictureBox3. Image. RotateFlip (RotateFlipType. Rotate180FlipNone)

Want to PictureBox1 image rotation angles respectively PictureBox2, PictureBox3 images, results PictureBox1 PictureBox2, PictureBox3 images have become the last parameter of the picture (that is, the picture of the rotated 180 degrees), please answer prawn!

CodePudding user response:

 # include & lt; Math. H> 
# pragma comment (lib, "gdiplus. Lib")
Using the namespace Gdiplus;
Would be formats [5] [11]={
L "image/BMP,"
L "image/jpeg",
L "image/GIF",
L "image/tiff,"
L "image/PNG,"
Would be exts [5] [5]={
L ". BMP, "
L "JPG",
L ". GIF ",
L ". Tif, "
L "PNG",
Int GetEncoderClsid (const WCHAR * format, clsids * pClsid) {
UINT num=0;//number of image encoders
UINT size=0;//the size of the image encoder array in bytes
ImageCodecInfo * pImageCodecInfo=NULL;
GetImageEncodersSize (& amp; Num, & amp; The size);
If (size==0) return 1;//Failure
PImageCodecInfo=(ImageCodecInfo *) (malloc (size));
If (pImageCodecInfo==NULL) return 1;//Failure
GetImageEncoders (num, size, pImageCodecInfo);
For (UINT j=0; J & lt; num; + + j) {
If (WCSCMP (pImageCodecInfo [j]. Journal of MimeType, format)==0) {
* pClsid=pImageCodecInfo [j]. Journal of clsids;
Free (pImageCodecInfo);
Return j;//Success
Free (pImageCodecInfo);
return -1;//Failure
Int wmain (int arg c, would be * argv []) {
Int r=1;
If (argc<4) {
Srcimg wprintf (L "% s. {BMP | JPG | | GIF tif | PNG | WMF | emf | ico} desimg. {BMP | JPG | | GIF tif | PNG} Angle \ n", argv [0]).
return r;
int i;
for (i=0; i<5; I++) {
If (0==_wcsicmp (argv [1] + wcslen (argv [1]) - 4, exts [I])) break;
If (i>=5) goto the USAGE;
for (i=0; i<5; I++) {
If (0==_wcsicmp (argv [2] + wcslen (argv [2]) - 4, exts [I])) break;
If (i>=5) goto the USAGE;
The GdiplusStartupInput GdiplusStartupInput;
ULONG_PTR gdiplustoken;
GdiplusStartup (& amp; Gdiplustoken, & amp; Gdiplusstartupinput, NULL);
The Image of img (argv [1]);
If (Ok==img. GetLastStatus ()) {
UINT height=img. GetHeight ();
UINT width=img. GetWidth ();
The REAL Angle;
If (1==swscanf_s (argv [3], L "% f", & amp; Angle)) {
REAL size.
Size=(REAL) SQRT (1.0 * width * height width + 1.0 * * height);
Matrix mat;
Mat. Translate (size/2.0 f, size/2.0 f);
Mat. Rotate (- Angle, MatrixOrderAppend);
Mat. Translate (size/2.0 f, size/2.0 f, MatrixOrderAppend);
PointF pfTL (/2.0 f (size - the width), (f) 2.0/size - height);
PointF pfTR ((f + width 2.0/size - the width), (f) 2.0/size - height);
PointF pfBL ((size - the width) f/2.0, (the size - height)/2.0 f + height);
PointF pfBR ((size - the width)/2.0 f + width, (size - height)/2.0 f + height);
Graphics TGP (& amp; Img);
Bitmap BMP ((UINT) size, (UINT) size, & amp; The TGP);//Let BMP Resolution equal to img Resolution
Graphics gp (& amp; BMP);
Gp. SetTransform (& amp; Mat);
Gp. DrawImage (& amp; Img, pfTL);
REAL xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x, y, rw, rh;
Mat. TransformPoints (& amp; PfTL);
Xmin=xmax=pfTL. X;
Ymin=ymax=pfTL. Y;
Mat. TransformPoints (& amp; PfTR);
If (xmin> Xmin pfTR. X)=pfTR. X;
If (xmaxIf (ymin> Ymin pfTR. Y)=pfTR. Y;
If (ymaxMat. TransformPoints (& amp; PfBL);
If (xmin> Xmin pfBL. X)=pfBL. X;
If (xmaxIf (ymin> Ymin pfBL. Y)=pfBL. Y;
If (ymaxMat. TransformPoints (& amp; PfBR);
If (xmin> Xmin pfBR. X)=pfBR. X;
If (xmaxIf (ymin> Ymin pfBR. Y)=pfBR. Y;
If (ymaxX=xmin;
Rw=xmax - x;
Rh=ymax - y;
Bitmap * clone;
Clone=BMP. Clone (x, y, rw, rh, PixelFormat24bppRGB);//BMP. GetPixelFormat ()
Clsids encoderClsid;
If (0 & lt;=GetEncoderClsid (formats [I], & amp; EncoderClsid)) {
If (Ok==clone - & gt; Save (argv [2], & amp; EncoderClsid)) {
Wprintf (L "OK" % s % s to % s % s \ n ", argv [0], argv [1], argv [2], argv [3]).
} else {
Wprintf (L "Error to save % s \ n", argv [2]).
} else {
Wprintf (L "Error to GetEncoderClsid (% s,... ) \ n ", formats [I]);
The delete clone;
} else {
Wprintf (L "Error to get Angle % s \ n", argv [3]).
} else {
Wprintf (L "Error to the load % s \ n", argv [1]).
GdiplusShutdown (gdiplustoken);
return r;
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