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Using HTML, js, CSS development the right-click menu


The original address: http://bbs.otherhill.com/index.php/topic/show/28

Cef support xp? Does not support!
Cef support web transparent rendering? Does not support!
Cef support mobile end? Does not support!
Cef offer similar xul complete interface UI components? Don't offer!
Cef supports the use of HTML, js, CSS development truly the right-click menu? Of course still does not support!
Well, then, we continue to,

Open the CFG. Ini, set to open xul the full path, such as
# support the full path to open the xul

Support the full path to open the application #. Ini

# support relative paths open xul
Url="chrome/geckoWrapper/chrome/content/ohui xul"

# support relative path to open the application. The ini
Url="chrome/geckoWrapper/application. Ini"

# support utf-8 decodeURI
Url=webui 8 d B8 E4/xul/% % % % % E8 A7 E5%88% % 84% 99 xul/chrome/content/clock. Xul

# support escape coding unescape
Url=webui/xul/D4 E6 B9 BB B2 % % % % % % F2XUL/chrome/content/clock. Xul

# support Chinese path
Url="webui/xul/irregular xul/chrome/content/clock. Xul"

# use, of course. HTML is no problem to support http://, https://

Will be subject to the last set,
Relative paths are relative to the current application path, for OHUI engineering, generated by default path is located in the dist/bin directory, the directory I usually pack a firefox. Exe, for everyone to use firefox debugging

Development shortcut keys


Is it easy? Are the benefits of joining F5 shortcuts, convenient debugging, change the code, press F5, can see the modified interface

Using a custom font
Worry about client machines shipped without corresponding font, affect the display? It doesn't matter, we use it the font

@ the font - face {
The font-family: "xjlfont";
SRC: url (' CSS/xjlFont. Fon);

The font-family: xjlfont, Chinese travel model;
The font - size: 17 pt;

Menubar *
The font - size: 16 pt! important;
The font-family: xjlfont, Chinese travel model;

Using mixed development software, no longer a single page, or pages as little as possible, because of data across pages is more troublesome, unlike c + +, pass a pointer to the past, a pile of data can be read and write casually, mixed development, data transfer between the page are all use the string, you can use json, complex in XML, timing TaShan page data transfer in use is XML, you can also use sqlite.
If only need to pass a few parameters, then we can use window. OpenDialog (url, name, the features, arg1, arg2,... ), to open a new window and data interaction,
This is the final effect on window open:

The right-click menu effects:

The original address: http://bbs.otherhill.com/index.php/topic/show/28

CodePudding user response:

CodePudding user response: