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Changing Data Class From Live Data


I have a BaseViewModel that basically has the function to get the user data like so:

abstract class BaseViewModel(
    private val repository: BaseRepository
) : ViewModel() {
    private var _userResponse: MutableLiveData<Resource<UserResponse>> = MutableLiveData()
    val userResponse: LiveData<Resource<UserResponse>> get() = _userResponse
    fun getUserData() = viewModelScope.launch {
        _userResponse.value = Resource.Loading
        _userResponse.value = repository.getLoggedInUserData()

In my Fragment, I access this data by just calling viewModel.getUserData(). This works. However, I'd like to now be able to edit the data. For example, the data class of UserResponse looks like this:

data class UserResponse(
    var id: Int,
    var username: String,
    var email: String

In other fragments, I'd like to edit username and email for example. How do I do access the UserResponse object and edit it? Is this a good way of doing things? The getUserData should be accessed everywhere and that is why I'm including it in the abstract BaseViewModel. Whenever the UserResponse is null, I do the following check:

if (viewModel.userResponse.value == null) {

CodePudding user response:

The ideal way to update userResponse you should change/edit _userResponse so that your userResponse we'll give you the updated data.

it should be something like this

_userResponse.value = Resource<UserResponse>()

CodePudding user response:

If you want to be able to edit the data in userResponse, really what you're talking about is changing the value it holds, right? The best way to do that is through the ViewModel itself:

abstract class BaseViewModel(
    private val repository: BaseRepository
) : ViewModel() {
    private var _userResponse: MutableLiveData<Resource<UserResponse>> = MutableLiveData()
    val userResponse: LiveData<Resource<UserResponse>> get() = _userResponse

    fun setUserResponse(response: UserResponse) {
        _userResponse.value = response


This has a few advantages - first, the view model is responsible for holding and managing the data, and provides an interface for reading, observing, and updating it. Rather than having lots of places where the data is manipulated, those places just call this one function instead. That makes it a lot easier to change things later, if you need to - the code that calls the function might not need to change at all!

This also means that you can expand the update logic more easily, since it's all centralised in the VM. Need to write the new value to a SavedStateHandle, so it's not lost if the app goes to the background? Just throw that in the update function. Maybe persist it to a database? Throw that in. None of the callers need to know what's happening in there

The other advantage is you're actually setting a new value on the LiveData, which means your update behaviour is consistent and predictable. If the user response changes (either a whole new one, or a change to the current one) then everything observeing that LiveData sees the update, and can decide what to do with it. It's less brittle than this idea that one change to the current response is "new" and another change is "an update" and observers will only care about one of those and don't need to be notified of the other. Consistency in how changes are handled will avoid bugs being introduced later, and just make it easier to reason about what's going on

There's nothing stopping you from updating the properties of the object held in userResponse, just like there's nothing stopping you from holding a List in a LiveData, and adding elements to that list. Everything with a reference to that object will see the new data, but only if they look at it. The point of LiveData and the observer pattern is to push updates to observers, so they can react to changes (like, say, updating text displayed in a UI). If you change one of the vars in that data class, how are you going to make sure everything that needs to see those changes definitely sees them? How can you ensure that will always happen, as the app gets developed, possibly by other people? The observer pattern is about simplifying that logic - update happens, observers are notified, the end

If you are going to do things this way, then I'd still recommend putting an update function in your VM, and let that update the vars. You get the same benefits - centralising the logic, enabling things like persistence if it ever becomes necessary, etc. It could be as simple as

    fun setUserResponse(response: UserResponse) {
        _userResponse.value?.run {
            id = response.id
            username = response.username
            email = response.email

and if you do decide to go with the full observer pattern for all changes later, everything is already calling the function the right way, no need for changes there. Or you could just make separate updateEmail(email: String) etc functions, whatever you want to do. But putting all that logic in the VM is a good idea, it's kinda what it's there for

Oh and you access that object through userResponse.value if you want to poke at it - but like I said, better to do that inside a function in the VM, keep that implementation detail, null-safety etc in one place, so callers don't need to mess with it

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