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VB regular access to the input values


'RetStr=RetStr & amp; Match. FirstIndex & amp; ". The Match Value is'
"RetStr=RetStr & amp; Match. The Value
RegExpTest RetStr=
End the Function

CodePudding user response:

Regular expression quick study regular expressions, for example, regular expressions (4 pages of A4 paper) http://download.csdn.net/detail/zhao4zhong1/1808549

CodePudding user response:

RegExpTest (" & lt; The input name="" VV. EngineNo" "[\ s \ s] *? (value=""? . *?) "" [\ s \ s] *?>" , v2_a)

The whole period of the input data are out, is not a single value

CodePudding user response:

'this code automatically generated by the "regular test tools V1.1.42", please direct call TestReg process
 Private Sub TestReg () 
Dim strData As String
Dim reg As Object
Dim matchs the As Object, I As an Integer, j As Integer
StrData="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/The Set reg=CreateObject (" vbscript. RegExp ")
Reg. Global=True
Reg. The IgnoreCase=True
Reg. MultiLine=True
Reg. The Pattern="& lt; Input [^ & gt;] *? Value="" (. *?) "" [^ & gt;] *?>"
The Set matchs=reg. The Execute (strData)
For I=0 To matchs. Count - 1
The Debug. Print the I + 1 & amp; ". "& amp; Matchs (I)
For j=0 To matchs (I) SubMatches. Count - 1
The Debug. Print "(" & amp; J + 1 & amp; ") "& amp; Matchs (I). SubMatches (j) & amp; "";
If matchs (I). SubMatches. Count & gt; 0 Then the Debug. Print
End Sub
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