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Using MFC to wininet closed CHttpConnection and related classes, HTTP access, in a visit to fail on


The code below
BOOL CHttpTransfer: : Post (LPCTSTR szRemoteURI, const char * sendBuf, int sendLen, ReceiveData& RevData, const CString&=ContentType_TEXT_PLAN strContentType/* */)
Assert (NULL!=szRemoteURI);
DWORD dwType=0;
Cstrings sServer=_T (" ");
Cstrings sObject=_T (" ");
DWORD dwPostSize=0;
CHttpConnection * pHttpConn=NULL;
CHttpFile * pHttpFile=NULL;
CInternetSession cis (_T (" "));

BResult=AfxParseURL (szRemoteURI dwType, sServer, sObject, wPort);
if(! BResult)
return FALSE;

PHttpConn=cis. GetHttpConnection (sServer wPort, NULL, NULL);
Assert (NULL!=pHttpConn);
PHttpFile=pHttpConn - & gt; OpenRequest (CHttpConnection: : HTTP_VERB_POST, sObject);
Assert (NULL!=pHttpFile);

//to HTTP headers
Cstrings strTemp;
Cstrings strHeaders=_T (" content-type: ") + strContentType;//application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded//multipart/form - data text/plan
StrHeaders +=_T (" \ r \ nAccept - Language: useful - cn ");
StrHeaders +=_T (" \ r \ nAccept - Charset: utf-8 ");
//strHeaders +=_T (" \ r \ nReferer: ");
//strHeaders +=szRemoteURI;
Set related parameters request *//*
//pHttpFile - & gt; AddRequestHeaders (L "Accept: */*, application/json");//the accept request header fields, represent the client accept what types of information
//pHttpFile - & gt; AddRequestHeaders (L "Accept - Charset: UTF8");
//pHttpFile - & gt; AddRequestHeaders (L "Accept - Language: useful - cn; Q=0.8, en. Q=0.6, ja. Q=0.4 ");
//pHttpFile - & gt; AddRequestHeaders (L "content-type:") + strContentType;//application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded//multipart/form - data text/plan
StrHeaders +=_T (" \ r \ nAccept - Language: useful - cn ");
StrHeaders +=_T (" \ r \ nAccept - Charset: utf-8 ");
If (sendLen==0)
BResult=pHttpFile - & gt; The SendRequest (strHeaders, _T (" 1 "), 1);//in order to guarantee the data returned is correct,
The else
BResult=pHttpFile - & gt; The SendRequest (strHeaders, (LPVOID) sendBuf, sendLen);
If (bResult)
BResult=HttpReceive (pHttpFile revData);
The catch (CFileException * e)
E - & gt; The Delete ();
//REPORT_CACHED_EXCEPTION (_T (" CFileException "));
The catch (CInternetException * e)
Cstrings sError;
SError. The Format (_T (" Inernet connection error: % d "), e - & gt; M_dwError);

//used to return to the network abnormal information
TCHAR szError [64]={0};
E - & gt; GetErrorMessage (szError, 64);
RevData. ErrInfo=szError;
RevData. NErrorCode=e - & gt; M_dwError;

E - & gt; The Delete ();
If (pHttpFile)
PHttpFile - & gt; Close ();
The delete pHttpFile;
If (pHttpConn)
PHttpConn - & gt; Close ();
The delete pHttpConn;
Cis. The Close ();

Return bResult;

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. HTTP problem is much more, all kinds of factors,
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