I want to replace '|' with '_'. The replacement should start from nnth character and replace n times. For e.g.
ABC|1234|mno|p|q|r|456|XYZ|QRS|TUV ====> ABC|1234|mno|p_q_r|456|XYZ|QRS|TUV
In above example nn=14 and n=3
So far, I've tried this but not getting the expected results
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('ABC|1234|mno|p|q|r|456|XYZ', '[|]', '_',14) rep_str FROM DUAL
CodePudding user response:
You can do it with plain substr
, but need to process edge cases carefully. Extract the part you need and replace all pipes in it. Then put everything together back.
with -- function replace_n( str in varchar2, start_ in number, count_ in number ) return varchar2 as begin return /*Starting part unchanged*/ substr(str, 1, start_) /*Replacement: locate n'th - 1 occurrence of pipe*/ || translate( substr(str, start_ 1, instr(str, '|', start_, count_-1) - start_) , '|' , '_' ) /*Remaining string*/ || substr(str, instr(str, '|', start_, count_ - 1) 1) ; end; -- a(a) as ( select 'ABC|1234|mno|p|q|r|456|XYZ|QRS|TUV' from dual ) select replace_n(a, 14, 3) as res from a
| RES | | :--------------------------------- | | ABC|1234|mno|p_q_r|456|XYZ|QRS|TUV |
db<>fiddle here
UPD: Or if you were about replacement in the substring of size n
starting from position nnn
with -- function replace_n( str in varchar2, start_ in number, count_ in number ) return varchar2 as begin return /*Starting part unchanged*/ substr(str, 1, start_) /*Replacement: extract substring on size n*/ || translate( substr(str, start_ 1, instr(str, '|', start_, count_-1) - start_) , '|' , '_' ) /*Remaining string*/ || substr(str, instr(str, '|', start_, count_ - 1) 1) ; end; --
db<>fiddle here
CodePudding user response:
In your simple example it's easier to specify both 2 occurences:
, '\|([^|] )'
||'\|([^|] )' -- 2 times just to make it more readable
||'(.*)' -- others
Full example with test data: DBFiddle
with t as (
'ABC|1234|mno|p|q|r|456|XYZ|QRS|TUV' str
,'ABC|1234|mno|p_q_r|456|XYZ|QRS|TUV' chk
from dual
, '\|([^|] )'
||'\|([^|] )' -- 2 times just to make it more readable
||'(.*)' -- others
) as str2
from t
Or if you make it more customizable and specify number of replacement easier, you can use simple inline pl/sql function with a loop like this: DBFiddle
with function regexp_replaces(
source_char varchar2
,pattern varchar2
,replace_char varchar2
,position int
,cnt int
) return varchar2
res varchar2(4000):=source_char;
for i in 1..cnt loop
end loop;
return res;
regexp_replaces(str,'\|','_',14,2) as str2
from t;