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Moving the first char in a string to the send of the string using a method. C#


Solved! Thank you Prasad Telkikar Updated code added

I know there are a lot of similar questions asked, and I've looked over those, but I still can't figure out my solution. I'm trying to write a method that takes the first character of an inputted string and moves it to the back, then I can add additional characters if needed. Basically if the input is Hello the output would be elloH "whatever." I hope that makes sense. As proof that I'm just not being lazy, here is the rest of the source code for the other parts of what I am working on. It all works, I just don't know where to begin with the last part. Thanks for looking and thanks for the help!

        private void BtnTransform_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string str = txtInput.Text; //get input
            txtSwitchCase.Text = this.CaseSwap(str); //display CaseSwap method results
            txtReverse.Text = this.Reverse(str); //display Reverse method results
            txtPigLatin.Text = this.Latin(str); //display the Latin method results

        private string CaseSwap(string str)//method for swaping cases

            string result = ""; //create blank var
            foreach (var c in str) 
                if (char.IsUpper(c)) //find uppers
                    result  = char.ToLower(c); //change to lower
                    result  = char.ToUpper(c); //all other lowers changed to upper
            str = result; //assign var to str

            return str; //return string to method

        private string Reverse(string str)//method for reversing string
            char[] revArray = str.ToCharArray(); //copy into an array
            Array.Reverse(revArray); //reverse the array
            return new string(revArray); //return the new string


        private string Latin(string str)//method for pig latin
            string result = str.Substring(1)   str[0]   "ay";
            str = result;
            return str;

CodePudding user response:

If you want to move first character to the end of string, then you can try below

public string MoveFirstCharToEnd(string str, string whateverStr="")
      return str;

   string result = str.Substring(1)   str[0]   whateverStr;
   return result;

Note: I added whateverStr as an optional parameter, so that it can support only moving first character to the end and also it supports concatenating extra string to the result.


Retrieves a substring from this instance. The substring starts at a specified character position and continues to the end of the string.

CodePudding user response:

Why not just take the 1st char and combine it with the rest of the string? E.g.

^^  ^
||  |
|Substring(1) - rest of the string (substring starting from 1)
value[0]      - first character       


public static string Rotate(string value) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) 
  ? value
  : $"{value.Substring(1)}{value[0]}";

Generalized implementation for arbitrary rotation (either positive or negative):

public static string Rotate(string value, int count = 1) {
  if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
    return value;

  return string.Concat(Enumerable
    .Range(0, value.Length)
    .Select(i => value[(i   count % value.Length   value.Length) % value.Length]));

You can simplify your current implementation with a help of Linq

using System.Linq;


private static string CaseSwap(string value) =>
  string.Concat(value.Select(c => char.IsUpper(c) 
    ? char.ToLower(c) 
    : char.ToUpper(c)));

private static string Reverse(string value) =>

CodePudding user response:

You can try to get the first character of a string with the String.Substring(int startPosition, int length) method . With this method you can also get the rest of your text starting from position 1 (skip the first character). When you have these 2 pieces, you can concat them.

Don't forget to check for empty strings, this can be done with the String.IsNullOrEmpty(string text) method.

public static string RemoveAndConcatFirstChar(string text){
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) return "";

    return text.Substring(1)   text.Substring(0,1);

CodePudding user response:

Appending multiple characters to a string is inefficient due to the number of string objects allocated, which is not just memory intensive it's also slow. There's a reason we have StringBuilder and other such options available to us, like working with char[]s.

Here's a fairly quick method that for rotating a string left one character (moving the first character to the end):

string RotateLeft(string source)
    var chars = source.ToCharArray();
    var initial = chars[0];
    Array.Copy(chars, 1, chars, 0, chars.Length - 1);
    chars[^1] = initial;
    return new String(chars);

Sadly we can't do that in-place in the string itself since they're immutable, so there's no avoiding the temporary array and string construction at the end.

Based on the fact that you called the method Latin(...) and the bit of the question where you said: "Basically if the input is Hello the output would be elloH "whatever."... I'm assuming that you're writing a Pig Latin translation. If that's the case, you're going to need a bit more.

Pig Latin is a slightly tricky problem because it's based on the sound of the word, not the letters. For example, onto becomes ontohay (or variants thereof) while one becomes unway because the word is pronounced the same as won (with a u to capture the vowel pronunciation correctly). Phonetic operations on English is quite annoying because of all the variations with silent and implied initial letters. And don't even get me started on pseudo-vowels like y.

Special cases aside, the most common rules of Pig Latin translation code appear to be as follows:

  1. Words starting with a single consonant followed by a vowel: move the consonant to the end and append ay.

  2. Words starting with a pair of consonants followed by a vowel: move the consonant pair to the end and append ay.

  3. Words that start with a vowel: append hay, yay, tay, etc.

That third one is a bit difficult since choosing the right suffix is a matter of what makes the result easiest to say... which code can't really decide all that easily. Just pick one and go with that.

Of course there are plenty of words that don't fit those rules. Anything starting with a consonant triplet for example (Christmas being the first that came to mind, followed shortly by strip... and others). Pseudo-vowels like y mess things up (cry for instance). And of course the ever-present problem of correctly representing the initial vowel sounds when you've stripped context: won is converted to un-way vocally, so rendering it as on-way in text is a little bit wrong. Same with word, whose Pig Latin version is pronounced erd-way.

For a simple first pass though... just follow the rules, treating y as a consonant if it's the first letter and as a vowel in the second or third spots.

And since this is so often a homework problem, I'm going to stop here and let you play with it for a bit. Just in case :P

(Oh, and don't forget to preserve the case of your first character just in case you're working on a capitalized word. Latin should become Atinlay, not atinLay. Just saying.)

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