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A fixed value were randomly selected to do...


want to take some digital stationary random extracted,34,35 (from 1 to 19, and 33), and not when the second random sampling randomly selected for the first time to the number, the third time random don't draw on the first two to digital, and so on, how to do? Consult, thank you!!

CodePudding user response:

Put these Numbers in a listbox, random take a subscript, get a number, delete it, then repeat this process,

CodePudding user response:

With an array, a dictionary, and so on are very simple
 Sub Test () 
Dim bDic As New Dictionary, I As an Integer
For I=1 To 19
BDic (CStr) (I)=I
For I=33 To 35
BDic (CStr) (I)=I
The Do While bDic. Count & gt; 0
I=Int (Rnd * bDic. Count) "' take a random
The Debug. Print bDic. Keys (I)
BDic. Remove bDic. Keys (I) 'using the delete
End Sub


CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor Topc008 response:
with array, a dictionary, and so on are very simple
 Sub Test () 
Dim bDic As New Dictionary, I As an Integer
For I=1 To 19
BDic (CStr) (I)=I
For I=33 To 35
BDic (CStr) (I)=I
The Do While bDic. Count & gt; 0
I=Int (Rnd * bDic. Count) "' take a random
The Debug. Print bDic. Keys (I)
BDic. Remove bDic. Keys (I) 'using the delete
End Sub

try and error "undefined user type", what is willing to excuse me?

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor Topc008 response:
with array, a dictionary, and so on are very simple
 Sub Test () 
Dim bDic As New Dictionary, I As an Integer
For I=1 To 19
BDic (CStr) (I)=I
For I=33 To 35
BDic (CStr) (I)=I
The Do While bDic. Count & gt; 0
I=Int (Rnd * bDic. Count) "' take a random
The Debug. Print bDic. Keys (I)
BDic. Remove bDic. Keys (I) 'using the delete
End Sub


 Dim arr (9), k, r 
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
If Command1. Caption="stop" Then Command1. The Caption="pull" the Else Command1. The Caption="stop"

If arr (0)=0 Then
For I=0 To 9
Arr (I)=I + 1
'MsgBox "10 initialization is complete"
End the If

While Command1. Caption="stop"
R=Int (Rnd * (10 - k)) + k
If Rnd & gt; 0.2 Then
TextBox1. Text="000"
The Else
TextBox1. Text=Right (" 00 "& amp; Arr (r), 3)
End the If

If Command1. Caption="out" Then
T=arr (r) : arr (r)=arr (k) : arr (k)=t: k=k + 1
TextBox1. Text=Right (" 00 "& amp; T, 3)
End the If

If k & gt; 9 Then
If Command1. Caption & lt;> "Out" Then k=0
Command1. Caption=Join (arr, "-") & amp; VbLf & amp; "Already full, the next round"
The Else
Command1. Caption=Left (the Join (arr. "-"), k * 2) & amp; VbLf & amp; "Have their first" & amp; K & amp; "The next one,"

End the If

End Sub
Sub OnSlideShowPageChange ()
Command1. Caption="start"
Open. Caption="open"
TextBox1. Text="000"
End Sub

Private Sub open _Click ()
ActivePresentation. SlideShowWindow. View. GotoSlide (TextBox1. Text + 1)
End Sub

This how to change I want that kind of results?? Please grant instruction!

CodePudding user response:

Above is a little mistake, I should start from 0, another CurrentMaxIndex variable is superfluous, completely can use I, here resend,

 Private Sub Command1_Click () 
Dim s $, v, I %, rndIndex %
'going to deal with the data processing on the arrays v
For I=1 To 19
S=s & amp; I & amp; "
For I=33 To 35
S=s & amp; I & amp; "
V=Split (Trim (s), "")

For I=0 To UBound (v)
RndIndex=Int (Rnd * (UBound (v) - I))
The Debug. Print the I & amp; VbTab & amp; "Random results:" & amp; V (rndIndex) & amp; VbTab & amp; "Corresponding to the current index:" & amp; RndIndex
V (rndIndex)=v (UBound (v) - I) 'to the end of the range of the circulation index random location data to get the
End Sub

Processing result (different every time) :
Zero random results: four corresponding current index: 3
1 random results: 13 corresponds to the current index: 12
Two random results: three corresponding current index: 2
3 random results: 5 corresponding current index: 4
4 random results: 7 corresponds to the current index: 6
5 random results: 6 corresponding to current index: 5
6 random results: 9 correspond to the current index: 8
7 random results: 19 corresponding to the current index: 4
8 random results: 10 corresponding current index: 9
9 random results: 35 corresponds to the current index: 3
10 random results: 1 corresponds to the current index: 0
11 random results: 12 corresponds to the current index: 0
12 random results: 16 correspond to the current index: 8
13 random results: 15 corresponds to the current index: 4
14 random results: 34 corresponds to the current index: 3
15 random results: 17 corresponds to the current index: 5
16 random results: 33 corresponds to the current index: 2
17 random results: 18 corresponds to the current index: 2
18 random results: 14 corresponds to the current index:
219 random results: 11 corresponds to the current index: 0
20 random results: eight corresponding to the current index: 0
21 random results: 2 corresponds to the current index: 0

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster smok_er response:
want to take some digital stationary random extracted,34,35 (from 1 to 19, and 33), and not when the second random sampling randomly selected for the first time to the number, the third time random don't draw on the first two to digital, and so on, how to do? Consult, thank you!!

As a result of this is not on, so on the NTH sampling, n - 1 time before draw the number will not be extracted to,
Must conform to this condition, is equivalent to shuffle, digital disturb first put into the array, access time, in turn, is ok, the problem is when after n times extraction will repeat the previous round of cycle.
Such a function
The Public Function GetRnd (Optional ByVal DataList As String="") As String
The Static Data () As a String, the Index As an Integer
Dim I As an Integer, J As an Integer, S As String
If Len (DataList) & gt; 0 Then
The Index=0
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