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Configuration under VS2015 accounted, win7_64bit configuration errors


environment: win7_64
Oracle: installed in the local win7_64bit

ask everybody to help, two days didn't done

1> Config. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of "public: static class: oracle: accounted: : Environment * __cdecl oracle: : accounted: : Environment: : createEnvironment (enum oracle: : accounted: : Environment: : Mode, void *, void * (__cdecl *) (void *, unsigned int), void * (__cdecl *) (void *, void *, unsigned int), the void (__cdecl *) (void *, void *))" (? CreateEnvironment @ Environment @ accounted @ oracle @ @ SAPAV123 @ W4Mode @ @ @ PAXP6APAX1I @ ZP6APAX11I @ ZP6AX11 @ 123 Z Z), the symbol in the function "public: __thiscall OcciPool_handler: : OcciPool_handler (void)" (?????? 0 occipool_handler @ @ QAE @ XZ) referenced

1> The config. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of "public: virtual __thiscall oracle: : accounted: : SQLException: : ~ SQLException (void)" (?????? 1 sqlexception @ accounted @ oracle @ @ UAE @ XZ), the symbol in the function __catch $? Create_pool @ OcciPool_handler @ @ QAEHXZ quoted in $0

1> The config. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of "public: virtual class STD: : basic_string & lt; Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt; Char> Class, STD: : allocator __thiscall oracle: : accounted: : SQLException: : getMessage (void) const (?" GetMessage @ SQLException @ accounted @ @ @ UBE oracle? AV? $basic_string @ DU? $char_traits @ D @ STD @ @ V? $allocator @ @ 2 D @ @ STD @ @ XZ), the symbol in the function __catch $? Create_pool @ OcciPool_handler @ @ QAEHXZ quoted in $0

1> Config. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of "public: virtual int __thiscall oracle: : accounted: : SQLException: : getErrorCode (void) const" (? GetErrorCode @ SQLException @ accounted @ @ @ UBEHXZ oracle), the symbol in the function __catch $? Create_pool @ OcciPool_handler @ @ QAEHXZ quoted in $0

1> Config. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of "public: static void __cdecl oracle: : accounted: : Environment: : terminateEnvironment (class: oracle: accounted: : Environment *)" (? TerminateEnvironment @ Environment @ accounted @ oracle @ @ SAXPAV123 @ @ Z), the symbol in the function of "public: __thiscall OcciPool_handler: : ~ OcciPool_handler (void)" (?????? 1 occipool_handler @ @ QAE @ XZ) referenced
1> D: \ CworkWpace \ demo_db_03 \ Debug \ demo_db_03 exe: fatal error LNK1120: five cannot resolve the external command

CodePudding user response:

Oracle installation accounted in the directory path

CodePudding user response:

This is my vs2015 configuration

CodePudding user response:

Library directory and add the first path in this picture, E: \... \ MSVC path,

CodePudding user response:

Oci. Lib have added to the project, to include in the linker Settings oci. Lib

CodePudding user response:

Solve the building Lord, I also encountered this problem

CodePudding user response:

Accounted must use the same compiler, see your that only vc2005 and vc2008
And oracle also does not provide the debug version of the DLL, the debug version can't use the debug version of the c/c + + library

CodePudding user response:

The landlord has to solve the problem, I also met the same problem

CodePudding user response:

Preliminary estimate you this should be a library version does not match, you download InstantClient12 version to try it, you use this tool is vc9 platform, and the platform tools is vc14 vs2015, I use vs2015 InstantClient12 configuration is successful,
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