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Prevent the ModalDialog from formatting my strings


I want to prevent the ModalDialog from formatting my strings

I have multiple text snippets that look similar to

const  p = "\"_id\": "   "\"\""   ",\n "   
             "\"name\": "   "zzInheritanceBaseElements"   ",\n "  
             "\"style\": "   "@settings {\n  include: person, loop;\n}\n\n/* Persons */\nelement[\"element type\"=\"person\"] {\n  icon: user;\n  icon-color: #c29999;\n  padding: 0;\n  color: #D57C2D;\n}\n\nelement[\"element type\"=\"Person\"] {\n  icon: user;\n  icon-color: #c29999;\n}\n\nelement:focus {\n  shadow-size: 1.9;\n  shadow-color: #e1eab6;\n  shadow-opacity: 1;\n}\n\nelement[image] {\n  icon: false;\n  size: 130;\n}\n\nelement[!image] {\n  size: 130;\n}\n\n"   

When I open them in the Modal I get

  "_id": "",
 "name": zzInheritanceBaseElements,
 "style": @settings {
  include: person, loop;

/* Persons */
element["element type"="person"] {
  icon: user;
  icon-color: #c29999;
  padding: 0;
  color: #D57C2D;

element["element type"="Person"] {
  icon: user;
  icon-color: #c29999;

element:focus {
  shadow-size: 1.9;
  shadow-color: #e1eab6;
  shadow-opacity: 1;

element[image] {
  icon: false;
  size: 130;

element[!image] {
  size: 130;


I am trying to create a string by concatenating multiple strings together then downloading it from the ModalDailog with

  const formatYmd = date => date.toISOString().slice(0, 10);
        formatYmd(new Date()); 
  const filename = "Kumu"   "_"   formatYmd(new Date())   ".json"; // If you want to change the filename, please modify this.
  const a = document.createElement("a");
  a.download = filename;
  a.href = <?= temp ?>;

I need the resultant string to be in the original format

How to prevent the ModalDialog from formatting my strings


CodePudding user response:

I believe your goal is as follows.

  • You want to download your variable of p as a text file using Google Apps Script and dialog.

  • You want to keep the text of the variable as follows.

      "\"_id\": \"\",\n \"name\": zzInheritanceBaseElements,\n \"style\": @settings {\n  include: person, loop;\n}\n\n/* Persons */\nelement[\"element type\"=\"person\"] {\n  icon: user;\n  icon-color: #c29999;\n  padding: 0;\n  color: #D57C2D;\n}\n\nelement[\"element type\"=\"Person\"] {\n  icon: user;\n  icon-color: #c29999;\n}\n\nelement:focus {\n  shadow-size: 1.9;\n  shadow-color: #e1eab6;\n  shadow-opacity: 1;\n}\n\nelement[image] {\n  icon: false;\n  size: 130;\n}\n\nelement[!image] {\n  size: 130;\n}\n\n},"

In this case, how about the following sample script?

Google Apps Script side:

function openDialog() {
  const p = "\"_id\": "   "\"\""   ",\n "  
    "\"name\": "   "zzInheritanceBaseElements"   ",\n "  
    "\"style\": "   "@settings {\n  include: person, loop;\n}\n\n/* Persons */\nelement[\"element type\"=\"person\"] {\n  icon: user;\n  icon-color: #c29999;\n  padding: 0;\n  color: #D57C2D;\n}\n\nelement[\"element type\"=\"Person\"] {\n  icon: user;\n  icon-color: #c29999;\n}\n\nelement:focus {\n  shadow-size: 1.9;\n  shadow-color: #e1eab6;\n  shadow-opacity: 1;\n}\n\nelement[image] {\n  icon: false;\n  size: 130;\n}\n\nelement[!image] {\n  size: 130;\n}\n\n"  

  var template = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('index'); // Please modify this to your HTML filename.
  template.temp = `data:${MimeType.TEXT_PLAIN};base64,${Utilities.base64Encode(JSON.stringify(p))}`;
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(template.evaluate(), 'sample');
  • When this script is run for your Javascript, a text file including the above text data is downloaded.
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