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VB call Java development webservice interface problems


I have a Java web service interface program, there are two ways to invoke the interface in the VB environment, has been that before, don't know why, recently in the call interface appear such problem, method 1 in the application so that all the time, but couldn't make the method 2, webservice method not adjusted, I landed in a program for the soapClient MSSoapInit operation, the method 1 normal call, but the method 2 cannot call, suggest there is no way 2, must soapClient. Again after MSSoapInit can invoke method 2, the original is not need to soapClient. MSSoapInit, what reason be? Warrior to help solve it, anxious for me!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Code function at the end of the day is not others to help you see or interpretation or comment; But by myself calm down and take a long enough time and energy to do it yourself step or set a breakpoint or step to perform to a certain intermediate result shows or written to the log file analysis step by step,
Remind: cow x teacher cannot replace the student understand and use the toilet!
Single step debugging and set breakpoint debugging is one of the programmers must master the skills,

CodePudding user response:

Thank you teacher, I step through execution to the calling method,

CodePudding user response:

'Set cLnt=New SoapClient30
'Call cLnt. MSSoapInit (strSvc & amp; "WSImpAndExpWeighInfoFacade? WSDL "), plus it can perform the following method
'cLnt. ConnectorProperty (" Timeout ")="90000"
Result=cLnt. ImportWeighInfo (weighString) 'execution to tip without this method here,

CodePudding user response:

The Set cLnt=New SoapClient30
How could this line commented out?

CodePudding user response:

When I post a comment, the wrong, the following is my program's source code, the result=cLnt. ImportWeighInfo (Info) 'this position does not appear problem, thank you teacher, help me to analyze, program has been running, suddenly appeared this problem, not to make any changes to the Java web service is not modified, the local program also did not change, is suddenly appear problem, the client can't call methods, other parts of the code using the webService all normal,
 Private Sub Button2_Click (ByVal sender As System. Object, ByVal e the As System. EventArgs) Handles Button2. Click 
Dim the Info As String=""
Dim baund As String
Dim tile As String=""
If t_TrainNum1. Text="" Then
MsgBox (" the car number can't be empty!" , 64, "warm prompt")
The Exit Sub
End the If
If BandNo. Text="" Then
MsgBox (" pounds single number can't be empty!" , 64, "warm prompt")
The Exit Sub
End the If
If CrossBand. Text="please select a gross weighing apparatus" Then
MsgBox (" gross weighing apparatus can't be empty!" , 64, "tip")
The Exit Sub
End the If
If TareBand. Text="please select tare weighing apparatus" Then
MsgBox (" tare weighing apparatus can't be empty!" , 64, "tip")
The Exit Sub
End the If
If CrossOpreator. Text="please select" Then
MsgBox (" please choose gross weight pounds!" , 64, "tip")
The Exit Sub
End the If
If TareOpreator. Text="please select" Then
MsgBox (" please choose tare pounds!" , 64, "tip")
The Exit Sub
End the If
If t_Gross. Text=0 Then
MsgBox (gross weight cannot be zero! "" , 64, "tip")
The Exit Sub
End the If
If t_Tare. Text=0 Then
MsgBox (" tare weight cannot be zero!" , 64, "tip")
The Exit Sub
End the If
If the Trim (t_Demo. Text)="" Then
MsgBox (" manual entry reason can't be empty!" , 64, "tip")
The Exit Sub
End the If
The Select Case CrossBand. Text
Case "number one truck scale"
Case 2 truck scale "
Case "3 truck scale"
Case "4 truck scale"
Case "v truck scale"
Case "6 truck scale
Case "truck" seven
Case no. 8 "truck"
Case "9 truck scale
Case "10 truck scale
Truck scale Case "11"
Case "12 truck scale
Case "13th truck scale"
Case "14th truck scale
Truck scale on the fifteenth day of the Case ", "
Case "number one rail weighbridge"
Case 2 rail weighbridge "
Case "3 rail weighbridge"
Case "rail weighbridge 4
Case "v rail weighbridge"
Case "rail weighbridge 6
Case "rail weighbridge seven
Case no. 8 rail weighbridge "
Case 9 "rail weighbridge"
Case "rail weighbridge number 10
Rail weighbridge Case "11"
Case "12 rail weighbridge
Case no. 13 rail weighbridge "
Case "14th rail weighbridge"
Case on the fifteenth day of the "rail weighbridge"

End the Select
If AutoBaund. Checked=True Then
Baund=GetNewBaundNo (OWeightORG GetBaundNO)
BandNo. Text=tiles & amp; Baund
End the If

If CrossBand. SelectedIndex=1 Then CrossBand. SelectedIndex=0
If TareBand. SelectedIndex=1 Then TareBand. SelectedIndex=0
If LSSC. Checked=True Then
'Info=weighNoticeEntryID & amp; The Separator & amp; _
'BandNo. Text & amp; The Separator & amp; _
't_TrainNum1. Text & amp; The Separator & amp; _
't_Gross. Text & amp; The Separator & amp; _
'the Format (CDate (Dt_StartDate. Text), "yyMMddHHmmss") & amp; The Separator & amp; _
't_Tare. Text & amp; The Separator & amp; _
'the Format (CDate (Dt_EndDate. Text), "yyMMddHHmmss") & amp; The Separator & amp; _
't_Net. Text & amp; The Separator & amp; _
'crossCode (CrossBand SelectedIndex) & amp; The Separator & amp; _
'tareCode (TareBand SelectedIndex) & amp; The Separator & amp; _
'Trim (crossOP (CrossOpreator SelectedIndex) & amp; The Separator & amp; _
'Trim (tareOP (TareOpreator SelectedIndex) & amp; The Separator & amp; MaterialNumber & amp; The Separator & amp; The Separator & amp; "01.01" & amp; The Separator & amp; _
'Cb_Consignee. Text & amp; The Separator & amp; Cb_Consigner. Text & amp; The Separator & amp; T_Demo. Text

The Else
Info=weighNoticeEntryID & amp; The Separator & amp; _
BandNo. Text & amp; The Separator & amp; _
T_TrainNum1. Text & amp; The Separator & amp; _
T_Gross. Text & amp; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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