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CXX0025: error: class/structure/joint operator requirements


The class ExtentSink
Struct ES
ES * rlink;
ES * llink;
T extents;
ES the rp.
ES * p;

ExtentSink (a=NULL, ES * ES * b=NULL, T c=0) {ES. Rlink=a; Es. Llink=b; Es. Extents=c; }
~ ExtentSink () {delete rp. Rlink; }

Void the Add (T m, int I)
If (I==0)
Es. Extents=m;
Es. Llink=NULL;
Es. Rlink=NULL;
The rp. Llink=& amp; Es.
The rp. Rlink=& amp; Es.

If (I.=0)
P=new ES.
p-> Llink=rp. Llink;
p-> Extents=m;
p-> Rlink=NULL;
The rp. Rlink=p;
The rp. Llink=p;


T Pre ()

Return the rp. Llink - & gt; Extents;

T Next ()
The rp. Llink=rp. Llink - & gt; Rlink;
The rp. Rlink=rp. Rlink - & gt; Rlink;
Return the rp. Llink - & gt; Extents;


Ask where is wrong

CodePudding user response:

Is in the View class Pre function called appear a mistake, the pop-up dialog:
XXXXXX. Exe of 0 x52317678 (mfc100d. DLL) in untreated exception: 0 xc0000005: access conflict while reading position 0 xcdcdcdd5
Column click interrupt, monitoring, the write: CXX0025: error: operator requirements class/structure/joint
Pointing to this piece of code: m_lpDispatch=dispatchSrc m_lpDispatch;

COleDispatchDriver: : COleDispatchDriver (const COleDispatchDriver& DispatchSrc)
ASSERT (this!=& amp; DispatchSrc);//constructing the from the self?

M_lpDispatch=dispatchSrc. M_lpDispatch;
If (m_lpDispatch!=NULL)
M_lpDispatch - & gt; AddRef ();

CodePudding user response:

You can contact me, help you debug it,

CodePudding user response:

No instance dispatchSrc

CodePudding user response:

Check the dispatchSrc,
If it is a pointer variable, should according to dispatchSrc - & gt; Use something form,
If it is a object instance, should according to dispatchSrc. Use something form,

And please note that before the incoming function, dispatchSrc parameters should have correct assignment,

CodePudding user response:

IDE open exception capture 0 xc0000005 debugging, at 0 xc0000005 abnormal stops, combined with the call stack solution to modify code

CodePudding user response:

DispatchSrc this illegal pointer, front did not create success
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