Home > Software engineering >  Mysql 5.5 SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS as a result, help to read, how to optimize the performance need?
Mysql 5.5 SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS as a result, help to read, how to optimize the performance need?


Type: InnoDB
Per second averages calculated from the last 27 seconds
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1 _second srv_master_thread loops: 1744145, 1744144 sleeps, 174413 _second 10, 8 background, 8 flush
Srv_master_thread log flush and writes: 1753475
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 775269689, signal count 743248737
Mutex spin waits, 19657915518 rounds of 111644016943, OS waits 211420715
RW - Shared spins 4818237421, 96442533131 rounds, OS waits 503302688
RW - excl spins 280554717, 1428223922 rounds, OS waits 12720141
Spin rounds per wait: 5.68 mutex, 20.02 RW -shared, 5.09 RW - excl
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Trx id counter C7EEFA16
Purge the done for TRX 's n: o & lt; C7ED5825 undo n: o & lt; 0
The History list length 9879
- the TRANSACTION 0, not started
MySQL thread id 473332, OS thread handle 0 x7f2411aa1700, query id 1633854706 localhost root
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF16B, not started
MySQL thread id 472904, OS thread handle 0 x7f2412be5700, query id 1633829832 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF850, not started
MySQL thread id 473310, OS thread handle 0 x7f2410859700, query id 1633849089 XXX. XXX. XXX. 64 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF25E, not started
MySQL thread id 472822, OS thread handle 0 x7f24120fa700, query id 1633834150 XXX. XXX. XXX. 64 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF9EE, not started
MySQL thread id 472793, OS thread handle 0 x7f2416170700, query id 1633854390 XXX. XXX. XXX. 61 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEFA06, not started
MySQL thread id 472894, OS thread handle 0 x7f2410dae700, query id 1633854536 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EED348, not started
MySQL thread id 472829, OS thread handle 0 x7f231bfbe700, query id 1633772305 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEFA04, not started
MySQL thread id 472874, OS thread handle 0 x7f2412037700, query id 1633854533 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF0C7, not started
MySQL thread id 472882, OS thread handle 0 x7f231bd34700, query id 1633827958 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEFA02, not started
MySQL thread id 472831, OS thread handle 0 x7f2410108700, query id 1633854524 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF612, not started
MySQL thread id 473220, OS thread handle 0 x7f24113c6700, query id 1633841649 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF97C, not started
MySQL thread id 473219, OS thread handle 0 x7f2411d6c700, query id 1633852802 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEA561, not started
MySQL thread id 473197, OS thread handle 0 x7f2411c68700, query id 1633805094 XXX. XXX. XXX. 60 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EDA54A, not started
MySQL thread id 473191, OS thread handle 0 x7f2412f32700, query id 1633805099 XXX. XXX. XXX. 60 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEEB5E, not started
MySQL thread id 472944, OS thread handle 0 x7f241327f700, query id 1633818051 XXX. XXX. XXX. 65 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF937, not started
MySQL thread id 472910, OS thread handle 0 x7f24132c0700, query id 1633851884 XXX. XXX. XXX. 61 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF922, not started
MySQL thread id 472930, OS thread handle 0 x7f2410d2c700, query id 1633851600 XXX. XXX. XXX. 65 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF804, not started
MySQL thread id 472854, OS thread handle 0 x7f24109df700, query id 1633848418 XXX. XXX. XXX. 61 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF6A2, not started
MySQL thread id 472881, OS thread handle 0 x7f231bcb2700, query id 1633853178 XXX. XXX. XXX. 65 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEFA13, not started
MySQL thread id 472804, OS thread handle 0 x7f2410ef3700, query id 1633854689 XXX. XXX. XXX. 61 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF490, not started
MySQL thread id 473154, OS thread handle 0 x7f24281b8700, query id 1633839896 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF95F, not started
MySQL thread id 472973, OS thread handle 0 x7f2411240700, query id 1633852438 XXX. XXX. XXX. 91 yunxin
- the TRANSACTION C7ED3DC0, not started
MySQL thread id 2, and OS thread handle 0 x7f242cbb6700, query id 1627277838 Slave has read all relay log; Waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it
- the TRANSACTION C7EEF92B, ACTIVE 2 SEC fetching rows
Mysql tables in the use of 3, locked 0
MySQL thread id 472799, OS thread handle 0 x7f24128d9700, query id 1633851729 XXX. XXX. XXX. 62 yunxin Sorting result
Trx read the view will not see Trx with id & gt;=C7EEF92C, sees & lt; C7ED5820
- the TRANSACTION C7EED6D4, ACTIVE 38 SEC fetching rows
Mysql tables in use 1, locked 0
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