Home > Software engineering >  How can I invoke return True or retutrn False from a class function of an external file?
How can I invoke return True or retutrn False from a class function of an external file?


Can I call, thanks to self or something similar, return True or retutrn False from the function of a class of an external file?

I need this because the main file (Page1) needs to know if a result is True or False in order to perform certain operations. For reasons I didn't explain in the question, I need to use self. I don't need to just use return True or return False. The external_class.py file and the main file are related to each other in two ways

I need something like this. Can you help me? Thank you


class example:
    def __init__(self, Page1): 
        ........ (various codes)

    def function(self, Page1):
        if self.x > int(float(Page1.y.get())):
            return self.True #HERE
            return self.False #HERE

CodePudding user response:

In this function, you call prova() but don't do anything with the return value:

        def Button1_func(): #HERE I CALL CLASS
            k = mediagol.Gol_Mediagol_CF(self) #HERE I CALL CLASS
            k.prova(self) #HERE I CALL CLASS
            # implicitly returns None

If you want a function to a return a value, return the value.

        def Button1_func(): #HERE I CALL CLASS
            k = mediagol.Gol_Mediagol_CF(self) #HERE I CALL CLASS
            return k.prova(self) #HERE I CALL CLASS

Assuming that Button1_func winds up in the funclist that's used by aaa, it'll now return True or False instead of None when invoked in your all(func() ...) and I expect that'll solve your problem.

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