I have two tables;
- id
- name
- id
- data_id (references id on Data)
- customer_id (references id on Customers)
- name
When I retrieve all items from the database (via for example Data::all()) as Customer X then I want to retrieve values from 'Custom_data' in favor of the data in table 'Data' where the customer_id matches X
Example: Data contains name 'John Doe' with id 1
Custom_data contains a record with data_id 1 and name 'Jane Doe' and customer_id X
When retrieving the models I want to see Jane Doe instead of John Doe. Can this be done on a Model level in Eloquent? This is just a simple example, in our application we have multiple columns that need to be retrieved (firstname, lastname, street, etc. etc.)
How I am currently retrieving the fields is like this:
public function getNameAttribute($name) {
$customData = CustomData::where('customer_id', $this->customer_id)->where('data_id', $this->id)->first();
if(null != $customData) {
return $customData->name;
} else {
return $name;
CodePudding user response:
Here' how you can do it:
In your Data.php modal file you need to add relationship:
public function CustomData(){
return $this->hasOne(CustomData::class);
Now, you can use CustomData function on eloquent record anywhere in Controller or View at runtime to get related data.
Another approach is to get data on condition basis:
$users = User::select('users.id', 'users.username', 'users.active', 'users.parent_id', 'parent.username as parent_username')
->selectRaw("CASE WHEN GROUP_CONCAT(roles.name) = 'student' THEN user_profiles.secondary_email ELSE users.email END as email");
I've used this type of solution for another purpose where I needed to use email on condition basis.
CodePudding user response:
first you need to define relation in model
class DataModel extends Model{
public function customData()
return $this->hasMany(CustomDataModel::class,"data_id");
now you have access to this data.
$data = DataModel::with("customData")->first();
$data->name; // John Doe
$data->customData->name; // Jane Doe