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VB run prompt object variables or With block variable is not set an error, ask ace to solve


VB run prompt object variables or With block variable is not set an error, ask ace to solve
Public file_name As String
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
CommonDialog1. Filter="EXCEL file (. XLSM) | *. XLSM | EXCEL file (. XLS) | *. XLS | | all file *. *", "
CommonDialog1. ShowOpen
File_name=CommonDialog1. FileName
If file_name="" Then Exit Sub
Dim xlExcel As Excel. Application
Dim xlBook As Excel. The Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Excel. The Worksheet

The Set xlExcel=CreateObject (" Excel. Application ")
The Set xlBook=xlExcel. Workbooks. Open (file_name)
XlExcel. Visible=False

XlBook. Sheets. The Add
ActiveSheet. Name="Temp"
XlBook. Sheets (" Temp "). The Range (" A1 ")="mother a coding
"XlBook. Sheets (" Temp "). The Range (" B1 ")="mother a name
"ActiveWorkbook. Save
XlBook. Close
XlExcel. Quit

'* * * * * * * * *
'other code
'* * * * * * * * *

The Set xlExcel=CreateObject (" Excel. Application ")
The Set xlBook=xlExcel. Workbooks. Open (file_name)
XlBook. Sheets (" Temp "). The Range (" A1 "). Select
'Range (ActiveCell. End (xlUp), ActiveCell. End (xlDown). Select
ActiveCell. CurrentRegion. Select
Selection. Copy

XlBook. Sheets (" Sheet1 "). The Range (" G1 "). The PasteSpecial
XlExcel. DisplayAlerts=False
XlBook. Sheets (" Temp "). The Delete
ActiveWorkbook. Save
XlExcel. DisplayAlerts=True
XlBook. Close
XlExcel. Quit

End Sub

Program run this alone is no problem
Public file_name As String
Private Sub Command1_Click ()
CommonDialog1. Filter="EXCEL file (. XLSM) | *. XLSM | EXCEL file (. XLS) | *. XLS | | all file *. *", "
CommonDialog1. ShowOpen
File_name=CommonDialog1. FileName
If file_name="" Then Exit Sub
Dim xlExcel As Excel. Application
Dim xlBook As Excel. The Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Excel. The Worksheet

The Set xlExcel=CreateObject (" Excel. Application ")
The Set xlBook=xlExcel. Workbooks. Open (file_name)
XlBook. Sheets (" Temp "). The Range (" A1 "). Select
'Range (ActiveCell. End (xlUp), ActiveCell. End (xlDown). Select
ActiveCell. CurrentRegion. Select
Selection. Copy

XlBook. Sheets (" Sheet1 "). The Range (" G1 "). The PasteSpecial
XlExcel. DisplayAlerts=False
XlBook. Sheets (" Temp "). The Delete
ActiveWorkbook. Save
XlExcel. DisplayAlerts=True
XlBook. Close
XlExcel. Quit

End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Is this your VBA in Excel or VB6 to execute code?
If is executed in VB6, look at the task manager, if more than one Excel process?

The first call to CreateObject (" Excel. Application ") created a Excel instance,
Then call the first Excel when ActiveSheet associated to Excel in your project reference,
Then call xlExcel. Quit will not shut down the instance, because you have the default reference project,

The second call CreateObject (" Excel. Application ") and creates a Excel instance,
Then call ActiveCell when in fact the visit is the first instance , first book has been closed, so there is no available ActiveCell object,

The solution:
In the code ActiveWorkbook ActiveSheet, ActiveCell, Selection and so on are through your xlExcel, xlBook access,
It is best to write good code after remove the reference to Excel in engineering, the As Excel. The Application , etc are changed to As Object ,

CodePudding user response:

Before your ActiveCell plus xlExcel., become
XlExcel. ActiveCell...
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