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MS-Access - MailMerge specific record from a form


I am creating an Access 2019 database for small family business (dog breeding) so I setup some tables containing all details on the dogs and the owners. Just to give an idea (simplistic description of the situation):


I was now trying to create a "Contract composer" for when we sell the dogs. So I made a new table "Contract" and a related form

    Seller ->linked to Owners table
    Buyer ->linked to Owners table
    Dog ->linked to Dogs table

And made a query to pull all relevant information from the related tables so that I can have


Everything so far is working perfectly fine. Now I need to convert the ContractQuery fields in a form of "human readable" contract. I think the best way to do so is the MailMerge to a specific Word document, and I've already setup one. My problem is: how can I set a button into the Contract form so that the "contract.doc" is populated with the specific record I'm seeing now in the form? I had made some researches and the most relevant information I've found is this https://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/threads/run-mail-merge-from-vba.158126/ and this https://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=3237 But they are related to old MS-Access so when I tried to apply it I had errors all around. Unluckily my VBA knowledge is far from being proficient and I was not able to make it work. Can anyone help me, or address me to a solution? Thanks in advance for any advice

CodePudding user response:

OK I got it working thanks to Kostas K, pointing me in the fight direction. This is my final code, it might need some cleanup and tweaking (for example, the loop within the resulst is now redundant as I only have one result), but it is working :)

The solution is based on this post, should anyone need please have a look at it as reference for the template docx etc

Generating completed PDF forms using word docs and ms access

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdMergeIt_Click()
On Error GoTo Trap
    ' **** defining project path as string to make this portable
    Dim CurPath As String
    CurPath = CurrentProject.path & "\"
    ' MsgBox (CurPath) 'debug

    Dim TEMPLATE_PATH As String
    TEMPLATE_PATH = CurPath & "Contratto.dotx"

    Dim wApp As Word.Application
    Dim wDoc As Word.Document
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim idx As Long
    ' *** intercepting the contract ID field from the launching form
    Dim checkID As String
    checkID = ID.Value
    'MsgBox (checkID) 'debug
    ' **** defining a SQL query on my Access query
    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "Select * from qContratto where ID =" & checkID & ""
    ' MsgBox (strSQL) 'debug

    Set wApp = New Word.Application
    wApp.Visible = False
    ' ***** changed the OpenRecordset to call my strSQL query insetad than reading the whole Access query
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
    If rs.EOF Then GoTo Leave

    With rs
    End With

    For idx = 1 To rs.RecordCount
        Set wDoc = wApp.Documents.Add(TEMPLATE_PATH)
        With wDoc
            .Bookmarks("Prezzo").Range.Text = Nz(rs!Prezzo, vbNullString)
            .Bookmarks("Venditore").Range.Text = Nz(rs!Venditore, vbNullString)
            .Bookmarks("Acquirente").Range.Text = Nz(rs!Acquirente, vbNullString)
            .Bookmarks("Cessione").Range.Text = Nz(rs!Cessione, vbNullString)
            .Bookmarks("NomeCane").Range.Text = Nz(rs!NomeCane, vbNullString)
            .Bookmarks("Riproduzione").Range.Text = Nz(rs!Riproduzione, vbNullString)
            .Bookmarks("Sesso").Range.Text = Nz(rs!Sesso, vbNullString)
            .ExportAsFixedFormat CurPath & rs!Acquirente & ".pdf", wdExportFormatPDF, False, wdExportOptimizeForOnScreen
            .Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
        ' in the ExportAsFixedFormat here above called one of the SQL query values to make a unique and distinctive name. Also please note use of CurPath for portability
        End With
        Set wDoc = Nothing

    On Error Resume Next
    If Not rs Is Nothing Then rs.Close
    If Not wDoc Is Nothing Then wDoc.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
    If Not wApp Is Nothing Then wApp.Quit wdDoNotSaveChanges
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
    Resume Leave
End Sub

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