Home > Software engineering >  The Collection was modified; Enumeration operation may not execute. Errors and solutions.
The Collection was modified; Enumeration operation may not execute. Errors and solutions.


Designed a data management software, vs2010, vb.net writing, apply to the ADO, Access2010, software interface and interface, in use process, found that when the closed boundary surface is not installed vs2010 computer will display the following error, but the computer installed vs2010 is not incorrect, please you know how this mistake was caused by the great god, (note: the software programming is not used to the foreach)
System. InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; Enumeration operation may not execute.
Ats System. ThrowHelper. ThrowInvalidOperationException (ExceptionResource resource)
Ats System. Collections. Generic. List ` 1. Enumerator. MoveNextRare ()
Ats System. Collections. Generic. List ` 1. Enumerator. MoveNext ()
At Microsoft, visual basic PowerPacks. ShapeCollection. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
At Microsoft, visual basic PowerPacks. ShapeContainer. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
The at System.ComponentModel.Com ponent. The Dispose ()
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
The at System.ComponentModel.Com ponent. The Dispose ()
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
The at System.ComponentModel.Com ponent. The Dispose ()
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. The TabControl. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
The at System.ComponentModel.Com ponent. The Dispose ()
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
The at System.ComponentModel.Com ponent. The Dispose ()
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. The TabControl. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
The at System.ComponentModel.Com ponent. The Dispose ()
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. The Form. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
The at WindowsApplication1. Admin_dataveiw. The Dispose (Boolean disposing)
The at System.ComponentModel.Com ponent. The Dispose ()
Ats System. Windows. Forms. The Form. WmClose (Message& M)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. The Form. WndProc (Message& M)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. ControlNativeWindow. OnMessage (Message& M)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. Control. ControlNativeWindow. WndProc (Message& M)
Ats System. Windows. Forms. NativeWindow. Callback (IntPtr hWnd, Int32 MSG, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

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