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Pivot_longer into an already existing column


I want to pivot multiple columns, two by two into an already existing couple, from this

have <- tribble(
  ~egtest,~egorres,  ~egorresu, ~hrorres,~hrorresu,~prorres,~prorresu,~uninteresing,
  "qt", 500,"msec",90,"bpm",100,"msec", "cat",
  "qtc", 370,"msec",NA,"bpm",103,"msec","dog",

To this :

want <- tribble(
  ~egtest,~egorres,  ~egorresu,~uninteresting,
  "qt", 500,"msec","cat",
  "qtc", 370,"msec","dog",

For now my code is

colstopivotEG <- function(table){
  out <-  subset(colnames(table),grepl(pattern = "orres\\b",colnames(table)))
  out <- out[out != "egorres"]
pivot_eg <- function(ndf){
  EG1 <- pivot_longer(ndf,
                      cols = colstopivotEG(ndf),
                      names_pattern = "(.*)orres",
  EG2 <- pivot_longer(ndf,
                      names_pattern = "(.*)orresu",
  ndf <- bind_cols(EG1,EG2 %>% select(EGORRESU_STD))

But I can't seem to be able to pivot into an existing column, I'm out of ideas and any help could be great thanks !

PS: There's a lot of column that don't want to be pivoted

CodePudding user response:

I would split the tibble into two by columns:

  • The columns starting with eg (keep them as they are)
  • The rest (pivot them).

Afterwards (after repairing the second tibble's names) we can bind the two tibbles together again.


eg <- have %>% 

rest <- have %>% 
  select(-starts_with("eg")) %>% 
               names_pattern = "(hr|pr)(. )",
               names_to = c("egtest", ".value")) %>% 
  rename(egorres = orres,
         egorresu = orresu)

bind_rows(eg, rest)

which gives

  egtest egorres egorresu
  <chr>    <dbl> <chr>   
1 qt         500 msec    
2 qtc        370 msec    
3 pra         83 msec    
4 hr          90 bpm     
5 pr         100 msec    
6 hr          NA bpm     
7 pr         103 msec    
8 hr          79 bpm     
9 pr          97 msec    

CodePudding user response:

Another possible solution:


  map(list(c(4:5,8), 6:8),
  ~ bind_cols(egtest = str_sub(names(have[.x])[1], 1, 2), have[.x] %>% 

#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#>   egtest egorres egorresu uninteresing
#>   <chr>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>       
#> 1 qt         500 msec     cat         
#> 2 qtc        370 msec     dog         
#> 3 pra         83 msec     cat         
#> 4 hr          90 bpm      cat         
#> 5 hr          NA bpm      dog         
#> 6 hr          79 bpm      cat         
#> 7 pr         100 msec     cat         
#> 8 pr         103 msec     dog         
#> 9 pr          97 msec     cat
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