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XCTest typeText cant switch keyboard to another language


Heloo! I am working with uitests on iOS and am using typeText method to enter a string into a textField. The application is multilingual, so the test case involves entering a string in different languages. However, the method fails for strings other than the current keyboard language (cannot switch the keyboard language to enter this string, although the simulator has a keyboard with this language). I haven't been able to solve this problem for a week now. I did not find ways to switch the keyboard language for typeText, or otherwise solve the problem. Please, help!

UPD (for drunkencheetah):

I use this method as XCUIElement extension:

    func clearAndTypeText(_ text: String) {
                let typedText = self.value as? String
                if typedText != nil {
                    let deleteText = String(repeating: XCUIKeyboardKey.delete.rawValue, count: typedText!.count)

firstTextField.clearAndTypeText("English12345") // Result - "English12345"
secontTextField.clearAndTypeText("文本123") // Chinese as example. Result -> "123" 
// This will take a very long time to print.

If I manage to manually switch the keyboard language (while running the test) from English to Chinese, the text will be printed. Otherwise, only numbers

CodePudding user response:

typeText() should function regardless of the current keyboard language. I've just tested typing text in Bulgarian(Cyrillic) and Chinese without issues.

  1. Since your application is multilingual you should make sure you are locating the element respective to the current application language(if not using an accessibility identifier).
  2. Also make sure the element has keyboard focus - use tap() on it before attempting typeText() just in case.
  3. Make sure if running on simulator that I/O > Keyboard > Connect hardware keyboard is disabled
  4. As Mike Collins suggests in the comments you could use the pasteboard (only on simulator!) like this:
UIPasteboard.general.string = "teststring"

Note that this will not work on real devices.

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