Home > Software engineering >  How do I remove any rows that are identical across all the columns except for one column?
How do I remove any rows that are identical across all the columns except for one column?


I merged 3 dataframes mrna, meth, and cna. I want to remove any duplicate rows that either have the same Hugo_Symbol column value or have the same values across all the remaining columns (i.e., columns starting with "TCGA-"). I also want to remove any rows that are identical across all the columns except for one column.

import re
import pandas as pd

dfs = [mrna, meth, cna]

common = pd.concat(dfs, join='inner')
common["Hugo_Symbol"] = [re.sub(r'\|. ', "", str(i)) for i in common["Hugo_Symbol"]]  # In Hugo_Symbol column, remove everything after the pipe except newline
tcga_cols = common.columns[1:]
mask = common.duplicated("Hugo_Symbol") | common.duplicated(tcga_cols)
common = common[~mask]

A snippet of the dataframe:

common_dict = common.iloc[1:10,1:10].to_dict()

{'TCGA-02-0001-01': {1: -0.9099,
  2: -2.3351,
  3: 0.2216,
  4: 0.6798,
  5: -2.48,
  6: 0.7912,
  7: -1.4578,
  8: -3.8009,
  9: 3.4868},
 'TCGA-02-0003-01': {1: 0.0896,
  2: -1.17,
  3: 0.1255,
  4: 0.2374,
  5: -3.2629,
  6: 1.2846,
  7: -1.474,
  8: -2.9891,
  9: -0.1511},
 'TCGA-02-0007-01': {1: -5.6511,
  2: -2.8365,
  3: 2.0026,
  4: -0.6326,
  5: -1.3741,
  6: -3.437,
  7: -1.047,
  8: -4.185,
  9: 2.1816},
 'TCGA-02-0009-01': {1: 0.9795,
  2: -0.5464,
  3: 1.1115,
  4: -0.2128,
  5: -3.3461,
  6: 1.3576,
  7: -1.0782,
  8: -3.4734,
  9: -0.8985},
 'TCGA-02-0010-01': {1: -0.7122,
  2: 0.7651,
  3: 2.4691,
  4: 0.7222,
  5: -1.7822,
  6: -3.3403,
  7: -1.6397,
  8: 0.3424,
  9: 1.7337},
 'TCGA-02-0011-01': {1: -6.8649,
  2: -0.4178,
  3: 0.1858,
  4: -0.0863,
  5: -2.9486,
  6: -3.843,
  7: -0.9275,
  8: -5.0462,
  9: 0.9702},
 'TCGA-02-0014-01': {1: -1.9439,
  2: 0.3727,
  3: -0.5368,
  4: -0.1501,
  5: 0.8977,
  6: 0.5138,
  7: -1.688,
  8: 0.1778,
  9: 1.7975},
 'TCGA-02-0021-01': {1: -0.8761,
  2: -0.2532,
  3: 2.0574,
  4: -0.9708,
  5: -1.0883,
  6: -1.0698,
  7: -0.8684,
  8: -5.3854,
  9: 1.2353},
 'TCGA-02-0024-01': {1: 1.6237,
  2: -0.717,
  3: -0.4517,
  4: -0.5276,
  5: -2.3993,
  6: -4.3485,
  7: 0.0811,
  8: -2.5217,
  9: 0.1883}}

Now, I want to remove any rows that are identical across all the columns except for one column.

Hugo_Symbol TCGA-1 TCGA-2 TCGA-3
First 0.123 0.234 0.345
Second 0.123 0.234 0.478
Third 0.456 0.678 0.789
Fourth 0.789 0.456 0.321

In this example dataframe, the First and Second row have duplicate values in the all but one "TCGA-" column. This is the type of row that I want to remove.

CodePudding user response:

IIUC, you can compute the duplicates per column using apply(pd.Series.duplicated), then count the True values per row and compare it to the wanted threshold:

ncols = df.shape[1]-1
ndups = df.drop(columns='Hugo_Symbol').apply(pd.Series.duplicated).sum(axis=1)
df2 = df[ndups.lt(ncols-1)]

output (using the simple provided example):

  Hugo_Symbol  TCGA-1  TCGA-2  TCGA-3
0       First   0.123   0.234   0.345
2       Third   0.456   0.678   0.789
3      Fourth   0.789   0.456   0.321

There is however one potential blind spot. Imagine this dataset:


The first row won't be dropped as it comes first and has duplicates spread over several other rows (that might not be an issue in your case).

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