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Opencv configuration under the C language


Look at the others write software recently, in which want to import the Opencv library, some of these header files as shown in the following
# # ifndef _LPRTYPE_H_
# define _LPRTYPE_H_

# include & lt; Time. H>
# include & lt; Conio. H>
# include & lt; stdio.h>
# include & lt; Stdlib. H>
# include & lt; String. H>
# include & lt; Math. H>

# include & lt; Opencv2/core/core. Hpp>
# include & lt; Opencv2 highgui/highgui. Hpp>
# include & lt; Opencv2 imgproc/imgproc. Hpp>
Came after a lot of mistakes,
But call opencv function including Mat type and so on all need CV: :

Tracking error point in:
Using _CSTD abs; Using _CSTD a cosine. Using _CSTD asin.
Using _CSTD atan; Using _CSTD atan2; Using _CSTD ceil;
Using _CSTD cos; Using _CSTD cosh. Using _CSTD exp.
Using _CSTD fabs. Using _CSTD floor; Using _CSTD fmod;
Using _CSTD frexp; Using _CSTD ldexp; Using _CSTD log;
Using _CSTD log10; Using _CSTD modf; Using _CSTD pow;
Using _CSTD sin; Using _CSTD sinh. Using _CSTD SQRT;
Using _CSTD tan; Using _CSTD tanh;

Just started to contact soon, don't know how to solve this problem,

Hope you a great god directions, thank you!

1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (23) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "abs"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (23) : error C2059: grammar errors: ";"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (23) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "a cosine
"1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (23) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "asin
"1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (24) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "atan"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (24) : error C2059: grammar errors: ";"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (24) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "atan2
"1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (24) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "ceil
"1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (25) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "cos"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (25) : error C2059: grammar errors: ";"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (25) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "cosh
"1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (25) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "exp"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (26) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "fabs"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (26) : error C2059: grammar errors: ";"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (26) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "floor"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (26) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "fmod
"1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (27) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "frexp
"1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (27) : error C2059: grammar errors: ";"
1> C: \ program files \ Microsoft visual studio 12.0 (x86) vc \ \ include \ cmath (27) : error C2061: syntax errors: identifier "ldexp

CodePudding user response:

Should need to configure it

CodePudding user response:

Configuration to see here

CodePudding user response:

Opencv 2.4 I packed and with good environment,
Found the question now is: in the software can't contain # include , both header files and source files, this will be an error, if only contains the opencv header file, you can use some of opencv without CV: :, such as CvMat IplImage etc., and like a CV: : Mat, as well as some need CV: : function can't use, now can't add a using namespace CV complains,
So don't think opencv problem, should be the problem of the iostream, looking for a long time has been have no idea, however, still hope you give advice or comments!

CodePudding user response:

At first glance the c + + cin, cout, ifstream ofstream, istringstream, ostringstream in the input and output on the scanf than c, printf, fscanf, fprintf, fread and fwrite, sscanf, sprintf simple, need not format control characters!
But no format control characters, input and output is the format when you expect to say; When the input and output is not your desired format, you will feel or a format control characters more convenient, more,
Abandon the cin, cout, ifstream ofstream, istringstream, ostringstream!
Use the scanf printf, fscanf, fprintf, fread and fwrite, sscanf, sprintf,

CodePudding user response:

In OpenCV IplImage these are C interface, Mat is a C + + interface, doubt is a C + + code with a C compiler to compile,
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