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Mutate an Array of Objects Using the Reduce Method and Spread Operator in JavaScript


I'm currently learning JavaScript and was trying to test the limitations of the Spread Operator along with the reduce() method.


const numArray = [1, 6, 9, 4, 21, 8, 15];

const sumEvenOdd = numArray.reduce((acc, current) => 
   current % 2 === 0 
      ? {...acc,'even': acc.even   current} 
      : {...acc,'odd': acc.odd   current}, 
      {"even": 0, "odd": 0}

console.log(sumEvenOdd); //{ even: 18, odd: 46 }  

As you could see from the above code, I was able to mutate the initial value of the reduce() method which is an object: {"even": 0, "odd": 0} to track the sum of the even and odd numbers of numArray and use the Spread Operator to fill-in the other remaining property.

Can I do the same thing if I have an array of objects as the initial value? e.g., [{"even": 0}, {"odd": 0}] and if not, what can I do as an alternative so I could fill-in the other properties that I didn't mention like for example if the objects also contain other properties? e.g., [{"even": 0, "color": ""...}, {"odd": 0, "color": ""...}]

CodePudding user response:

yes, you can modify array with any props

you can use any type for reduce: objects, arrays, numbers, strings, boolean

A few examples with different types:

const concatNumbersAsString = [0,1,2].reduce((a,c) => a   c, '');

const flatNestedArrays = [[0],[1],[2]].reduce((a,c) => a.concat(c), [])

const checkBoolCondition = [0,1,2].reduce((a,c) => [1].includes(c), true)

const calculateSum = [0,1,2].reduce((a,c) => a   c, 0)

console.log('concatNumbersAsString', concatNumbersAsString)
console.log('flatNestedArrays', flatNestedArrays)
console.log('checkBoolCondition', checkBoolCondition)
console.log('calculateSum', calculateSum)

Modifying an array:

const numArray = [1, 6, 9, 4, 21, 8, 15];

const sumEvenOdd = numArray.reduce((acc, current) => 
   current % 2 === 0 
      ? acc.map(i => i.hasOwnProperty('even') ? {...i, even: i.even   current} : i)
      : acc.map(i => i.hasOwnProperty('odd') ? {...i, odd: i.odd   current} : i), 
      [{"even": 0, color: 'red'},{ "odd": 0, color: 'green'}]


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