Does anyone know how to select the correct zoom level so that two dots hit the screen?
I am using Mapbox and Xamarin.Forms.
In fact, there are more points, but the two most extreme are taken. Using them, I can get the center where the camera will look. Also, of course, I can get the distance between them. But here's how to calculate the specific zoom level (from 0 to 22), I have no idea.
Here is the zoom level documentation.
CodePudding user response:
I was helped by an article on Wikipedia, which some user left in the comments, but then for some reason deleted it. Here
The result is a method:
public const double EARTH_EQUATORIAL_CIRCUMFERENCE_METTERS = 40075016.686; //Equatorial circumference of the Earth
public static double CalculateZoomLevel(double lat, double distanceBetweenPoints)
double logNum = C * Math.Cos(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(lat)) / distanceBetweenPoints;
double zoomLvl = Math.Log(logNum, 2);
return zoomLvl;
It's not perfect, but a very good result. But there is a problem when the path between the points becomes horizontal. In order to avoid this problem, I make some modifications to the distance between the points:
var distance = Distance.BetweenPositions(new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Position(minLat, minLon),
new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Position(maxLat, maxLon)).Meters;
if (Math.Abs(minLat - maxLat) < Math.Abs(minLon - maxLon))
distance = distance * (Math.Abs(minLon - maxLon) / Math.Abs(minLat - maxLat) / 10);
map.ZoomLevel = MapboxHelper.CalculateZoomLevel(zoomPos.Latitude, distance);
zoomPos - Center between two points.
Maybe someone will come in handy.