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How to store numbers from file to dynamically assorted array?


I am having a problem with storing numbers from a file to a 1D array. I want to store the numbers without giving size to the array int numberArray[11]. These are numbers I am trying to read from an input.txt file

200 53 65 98 183 37 122 14 124 65 67

int main()

    FILE *myFile;
    myFile = fopen("input.txt", "r");

    //read file into array
    int numberArray[11];
    int i;

    if (myFile == NULL)
        printf("Error Reading File\n");
        exit (0);

    //Store number to array
    for (i = 0; i < 11; i  )
        fscanf(myFile, "%d,", &numberArray[i] );

    //Print array
    for (i = 0; i < 11; i  ){
        printf("%d\n", numberArray[i]);

    //Close the file

    //FCFS the array

    return 0;

As you can see in my code, I have created an array of int size of 11 because there are 11 numbers that I am trying to read into the array. Let's just say I don't know the numbers inside the input file. How do I allocate the array?

P.s my code works but I just want to know whats the efficient approach when it comes to these kind of situations.

CodePudding user response:

There are 2 classic solutions 2 this

First is to have a number in the file that indicates how many numbers there are and to size the array using VLA. ie

  int num;
  fscanf(myFile, "%d", &num);
  int numbers[num];

second is to dynamically allocate space using malloc - say 5 to start - and keep doubling the size of the array using realloc until you reach end of file

  int size = 5;
  int count = 0;
  int *numbers = malloc(size * sizeof(int));
  int numin;
  while (fscanf(myFile, "%d", &numin));
     if(count== size){
        size *= 2; 
        numbers = realloc(numbers, size * sizeof(int));
     count  ;
     numbers[count] = numin;

CodePudding user response:

The question may be a bit cloudy but I think you want to know how do you manage to read variable numbers of data from a file. There are a number of ways to manage that actually...some of them are:

  1. Read the file and only count the numbers before allocating (without reading data). then allocate the array and read the data.
  2. Dynamically allocate and reallocate twice the size of array every time the array comes to be short.
  3. Use a List :)

Approach 1:

   int count = 0;
   int var; 
   while(fscanf(myFile, "%d", &var) == 1){   //included only a snippet instead of full code   
      count  ;  
   int numberArray[count];
   //iterate again and read the data

Approach 2:

int curr_size = 2; //you can take any positive integer, but be wary of heap overflow(large allocation)
int i = 0;
int* varr = malloc (sizeof(int) * curr_size);
while(fscanf(myFile, "%d", &varr[i  ]) == 1){   
    if(i == curr_size){  
        curr_size *= 2; //you can do   instead of *, depends on what you're dealing with... '*' can sometimes lead to unnecessary allocation of big chunks of memory 
        int* temp = realloc(varr, sizeof(int)*curr_size); 
        if(temp == NULL) { printf("Error allocating"); return -1;} 
        varr = temp;
// 'i' will give you total numbers read you can realloc if you like  
//if you use it for reading string be sure to account for '\0'    //if you use it for reading string be sure to account for '\0'

Approach 3: Use List Data structure to store variable number of data. that will be pretty easier

Approach 2 is one of most used ways between programmers to read variable sized strings(char sequences) from a source in c.
Approach 1 will be easier for beginners.
Approach 3 will be easier for reading integers.
Trying all will help you grow.

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