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For help on vb 6.0 problem for help


This is the modified code (red font is my own, and go not)
Dim photofile As String
Dim Lastx As Single, Lasty As Single

Private Sub clsphoto_Click ()
On Error GoTo err
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
Dim STRRS As String
STRRS="select * from t_group where group name='" & amp; Cmbgroupname. Text & amp; "'
"Rs. The Open STRRS, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
GroupID=Trim (rs) Fields (" group ID ")) 'record group ID
Rs. Close
Dim obj As String
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
Obj="select * from individual where ID=" & amp; Jilu
Rs. The Open obj, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Photo. The Picture=LoadPicture (none)
Rs. Update
'the rs. Close
The Exit Sub
MsgBox "error!" , and "prompt"
End Sub

Private Sub CmdOk_Click (Index As an Integer) 'sure update contact information
Dim STRRS As String
Dim obj As String
On Error GoTo err
The Select Case Index
Case 0
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
STRRS="select * from t_group where group name='" & amp; Cmbgroupname. Text & amp; "'
"Rs. The Open STRRS, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
GroupID=rs. Fields (" group ID ") 'record group ID
Rs. Close
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
Obj="select * from individual where ID=" & amp; Jilu
Rs. The Open obj, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
If txtname. Text="" Then" name cannot be empty
MsgBox "the name cannot be empty!" And, "wrong!"
The Exit Sub
End the If
Rs. Fields (" group ID ")=groupID
Rs. The Fields (" name ")=txtname. Text
Rs. The Fields (" id number ")=txtxuhao. Text
Rs. The Fields (" gender ")=cbosex. Text
Rs. The Fields (" class ")=txtclass. Text
Rs. The Fields (" subject ")=cbozhiwu. Text
Rs. The Fields (" phone ")=txtdianhua. Text
Rs. The Fields (" QQ number ")=TXTQQ. Text
Rs. The Fields (" email ")=txtmail. Text
Rs. The Fields (" note ")=txtfuzhu. Text
rs. Fields (" Zhou Kao scores ")=txtweekg. Text
Rs. The Fields (" monthly exam scores ")=txtmonthg. Text
Rs. The Fields (" mid-term grades ")=txtmidg. Text
Rs. The Fields (" final grade ")=txtfinalg. Text

If photo. The Picture=LoadPicture (none) Then
Rs. Fields (" photos ")=""
The Else
Rs. Fields (" photos ")=photofile
End the If
Rs. Update
Rs. Close
Unload Me
The Exit Sub
Case 1
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
STRRS="select * from t_group where group name='" & amp; Cmbgroupname. Text & amp; "'
"Rs. The Open STRRS, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
GroupID=rs. Fields (" group ID ") 'record group ID
Rs. Close
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
Obj="select * from individual where ID=" & amp; Jilu
Rs. The Open obj, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
If txtname. Text="" Then" name cannot be empty
MsgBox "the name cannot be empty!" And, "wrong!"
The Exit Sub
End the If
Rs. Fields (" group ID ")=groupID
Rs. The Fields (" name ")=txtname. Text
Rs. The Fields (" id number ")=txtxuhao. Text
Rs. The Fields (" gender ")=cbosex. Text
Rs. The Fields (" class ")=txtclass. Text
Rs. The Fields (" subject ")=cbozhiwu. Text
Rs. The Fields (" phone ")=txtdianhua. Text
Rs. The Fields (" QQ number ")=TXTQQ. Text
Rs. The Fields (" email ")=txtmail. Text
Rs. The Fields (" note ")=txtfuzhu. Text
rs. Fields (" Zhou Kao scores ")=txtweekg. Text
Rs. The Fields (" monthly exam scores ")=txtmonthg. Text
Rs. The Fields (" mid-term grades ")=txtmidg. Text
Rs. The Fields (" final grade ")=txtfinalg. Text

If photo. The Picture=LoadPicture (none) Then
Rs. Fields (" photos ")=""
The Else
Rs. Fields (" photos ")=photofile
End the If
Rs. Update
Rs. Close
MsgBox "modify success," 0 + 64, "tip"
Call lianjie
Dim As SQL String
Dim As Integer I
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
SQL="select * from individual where ID=" & amp; Jilu
Rs. The Open SQL, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
GroupID=Trim (rs (" group ID ")) 'record group ID
Rs. Close
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
SQL="select * from t_Group where group ID=" & amp; GroupID
Rs. The Open SQL, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
If the groupID & lt;> 1 Then
Cmbgroupname. Text=Trim (rs (" group name ")) 'current members of group
End the If
Rs. Close
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
SQL="select * from t_Group"
Rs. The Open SQL, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
While Not rs. EOF
Cmbgroupname. AddItem rs (" group name ")
Rs. MoveNext
I=I + 1
Rs. Close
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
Obj="select * from individual where ID=" & amp; Jilu
Rs. The Open obj, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Lbl1. Caption="in the input" & amp; Rs (" name ") & amp; "Detailed information"
Rs. Close
Set the rs=New ADODB. You
STRRS="select * from individual where ID=" & amp; Jilu
Rs. The Open STRRS, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Txtname. Text=Trim (" "& amp; Rs. Fields (" name "))
Txtxuhao. Text=Trim (" "& amp; Rs. Fields (" id number "))
Cbosex. Text=rs. Fields (" gender ")
Txtclass. Text=Trim (" "& amp; Rs. Fields (" class "))
Cbozhiwu. Text=Trim (" "& amp; Rs. Fields (" account "))
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