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I wrote a program to convert a negative number to binary, is this code correct?


I have used the 2's compliment approach to convert a negative number to binary I am getting the answer right

after I converted the number to binary let's say n = -6

  1. I ignored the negative sign (by making the number positive)
  2. I took it's 2's compliment

Now if the MSB (Most Significant Bit) is 1 that means the number is negative this ans is stored in newAns

But my doubt is, for me to print the negative binary number since MSB of newAns was 1 do I have to find 2's compliment of newAns again or not?

#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

int decimalToBinary(int n){
    int ans = 0;
    int i = 0;
        int bit = n&1; 
        ans = (bit * pow(10,i))   ans;
        n = n >> 1;
        i  ;
    return ans;
int main(){
    int n;
    cin >> n;

        // if number is negative
        n = n*(-1);
        int ans = decimalToBinary(n);
    // Find 2's compliment of the number
    // 1's comp
    int newAns = (~ans);
    // 2's comp
    newAns = newAns 1;
    cout << newAns << endl;

    } else {
        // if number is positive 
        int ans = decimalToBinary(n);
        cout << ans << endl;

CodePudding user response:

I think the biggest issue is a confusion about representing numbers in bases.

int values are always "binary" in memory because memory is fundamentally binary. There's no such thing as a "decimal int" vs. "binary int". Representation in a specific base is a text/string/printing concept. The int is the value itself, and a "decimal int" is how you format it for someone to read. If you want to represent that number as a "decimal" or "binary", then you should convert it to a string.

A lot of weirdness in this code. Instead of n=n*(-1);decimalToBinary(n) why not just decimalToBinary(-n)? Very confusing. But also, why are we using twos-complement at all? It's just confusing to devs (i.e. bad). Use unary operator -().

CodePudding user response:

“Binary” and “decimal” are representations of numbers as sequences of digits. For example, “123” interpreted as decimal means 1 hundred, 2 tens, and 3 ones, and “101” interpreted as binary means 1 four, 0 twos, and 1 one.

Your decimalToBinary routines does not convert to binary, because it does not produce a normal sequence of binary digits. For the number five, it produces the number one-hundred-and-one. When one-hundred-and-one is converted to decimal and printed, the output is “101”. This could be called decimal-coded-binary.

Because the value returned by decimalToBinary, which is stored in ans, is not a binary representation of n, ~ans does not take its one’s complement. When ans has the value one-hundred-and-one, decimal 101, its binary representation is 000…0001100101. The ~ operator takes the one’s complement of those bits, yielding 111…1110011010.

This is not a useful way to compute the two’s complement representation of a negative number. Depending on what you are trying to learn with this assignment, two methods of computing and displaying the two’s complement representation are:

  • Once the number is read with cin >> n, it is already in binary form, as the input routines invoked by cin >> n convert it. Your C representation almost certainly uses two’s complement, but you can be sure by using unsigned int u = n;, as the conversion from int to unsigned int will effectively produce a two’s complement representation. Then you can simply write code to print the bits of u: For each bit in it, print “0” or “1” according to what the value of the bit is.
  • Alternatively, if you want to work with the mathematics of binary representations, write code to convert n to an array of characters, in which each character is “0” or “1”, according to the binary representation of n. If n is negative, you can first convert its negation to binary, and then you can iterate through the array of characters to change each “0” to a “1” and vice-versa, and finally you can write code to add “1” to the binary numeral in the array. That will include writing code to carry from position to position.
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