Procedure TForm1. Btn1Click (Sender: TObject);
Var DataStruct: TCopyDataStruct;
Buffsize: Integer;
Buff: PChar;
The begin
H:=StrToInt (edt1. Text);//vc window handle
Buffsize:=length (edt2. Text) * sizeof (Char) + 2;//a character standing 2 bytes
Buff:=StrAlloc (buffsize);//allocate memory
StrCopy (buff, PChar (edt2. Text));//copy data to the buffer
DataStruct. DwData:=0;
DataStruct. CbData:=buffsize;
DataStruct. LpData:=buff;
SendMessage (h, WM_COPYDATA, 0, LongInt (@ DataStruct));
Receiver is vc2010
//accept message
BOOL CMyView: : OnCopyData (CWnd * pWnd, COPYDATASTRUCT * pCopyDataStruct)
If (pCopyDataStruct!=NULL)
LPCTSTR pszText=(LPCTSTR) (pCopyDataStruct - & gt; LpData);
DWORD dwLength=(DWORD) (pCopyDataStruct - & gt; CbData);
TCHAR szRecvText [1024]={0};
Memcpy (szRecvText pszText, dwLength);
MessageBox (szRecvText, _T (" Test "), MB_OK);
Return the CWnd: : OnCopyData (pWnd, pCopyDataStruct);
The problem is, I accept the message written in Delphi is full, with vc this show only the first character, there is something wrong with it?
CodePudding user response:
Character set might be the problem, check the VC is unicodeCodePudding user response:
Try WCHAR szRecvText [1024]={0};Or project into a UNICODE