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VB programming read the file a line row shows the problem


While Not EOF (1)

Input # 1, T

I=InStr (1, T, "GET") + 5

I1=InStr (I, T, "Mozilla +/5.0 (compatible; + Baidu ")

If I & gt; 0 And i1 & gt; 0 Then

For i2=0 To List1. ListCount - 1

If List1. List (i2)=Mid (T, I, i1 - I) Then List1. RemoveItem i2


List1. AddItem mids (T, I, i1 - I)

End the If

ProgressBar1. Max=List1. ListCount - 1

For I=0 To List1. ListCount - 1
ProgressBar1. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/I
ProgressBar1. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/I
Now in the content of the text will display card for a moment all at once, I want him to read a display a

CodePudding user response:

Read... Save to an array of strings,
Then use the Timer control that is displayed in a certain period "update",

CodePudding user response:

reference 1/f, a toast to invite the bright moon response:
read... Save to an array of strings,
Then use the Timer control that is displayed in a certain period "update",

Which period of preservation string now is not the string

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor weixin_44424222 response:
Quote: 1/f, reference a toast to invite the bright moon response:

Read... Save the string array ,
Then use the Timer control that is displayed in a certain period "update",

Which period of preservation string now is not the string

The two "concept", there is a big difference between

CodePudding user response:

In List1. AddItem mids (T, I, i1 - I) below plus the two sentences try this

List1. AddItem t
List1. ListIndex=List1. ListCount - 1

CodePudding user response:

The above is wrong, the most important one is doevents, should be like this, in List1. AddItem mids (T, I, i1 - I) below plus the two sentences that try

List1. ListIndex=List1. ListCount - 1

CodePudding user response:

Tests can real time line of the display, is fast, according to root can't see to read is what,,,

CodePudding user response:

See if the effect you want,
A form, a button, a textbox, a timer, paste the code below, run stamp button to see the effect,

Option Explicit
Dim strTest () As String

Private Sub Command1_Click ()
ReDim strTest (10)
Dim As Integer I
For I=1 To 10
StrTest (I)="this is the first" & amp; I & amp; "String"
Timer1. Interval=20
Timer1. Enabled=True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer ()
The Static deg As Double
The Static strPoint As Long
Dim intLight As Integer

IntLight=Fix (255 * (Cos (deg/180 * 3.1415926) + 1)/2)
Text1. ForeColor=RGB (intLight intLight, intLight)
If 360=0 deg Mod and Then
StrPoint=strPoint + 1
If strPoint & gt; UBound (strTest) Then
Timer1. Enabled=False
Text1. Text="finished"
Text1. ForeColor=vbBlack

The Exit Sub
The Else
Text1. Text=strTest (strPoint)
End the If
End the If
Deg=deg + 3
End Sub
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