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Opencv - python ANN minist data set of neural network training, after training Predict the return va


The import OS
The import struct
The import numpy as np
The import cv2

Def load_mnist (path, kind='train') :
"" "the Load MNIST data from ` path ` "" "
Labels_path=OS. Path. Join (path,
'% s - labels. Idx1 - ubyte'
% kind)
Images_path=OS. Path. Join (path,
'% s - images. Idx3 does - ubyte'
% kind)
With the open (labels_path, 'rb') as lbpath:
Magic, n=struct. Unpack (' & gt; II ',
Lbpath. Read (8))
Labels=np. Fromfile (lbpath,
Dtype=np. Uint8)

With the open (images_path, 'rb') as imgpath:
Magic, num, rows, cols=struct. Unpack (' & gt; IIII ',
Imgpath. Read (16))
Images=np. Fromfile (imgpath,
Dtype=np. Uint8). Reshape (len (labels), 784)

The return of images, labels

The image and labels=load_mnist (r 'C: \ Users \ \ Desktop \ Python Image_processing \ data_number', '" train ")

"' n of the data set update label format for n X 10 '"'
For I in range (len (labels) :
For j in range (charNum) :
If labels [I]==j:
LabelArraytoAppend. Append (1)
The else:
LabelArraytoAppend. Append (0)
TrainingLabel. Append (labelArraytoAppend)

"' training multi-layer neural network MLP '
Ann=cv2. Ml. ANN_MLP_create ()
Ann. SetActivationFunction (cv2. Ml. ANN_MLP_SIGMOID_SYM)
Ann. SetTrainMethod (cv2. Ml. ANN_MLP_BACKPROP)
Ann. SetBackpropMomentumScale (0.1)
Ann. SetBackpropWeightScale (0.001)
Ann. SetTermCriteria ((cv2 TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT | cv2. TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 500, 0.05))

Ann. SetLayerSizes (np) array ([np. Array (image). Shape [1], 128, charNum], dtype=np, uint16))

Ann. "train" (np) array (image, dtype=np. Float32), cv2. Ml. ROW_SAMPLE, np, array (trainingLabel, dtype=np. Float32))
Ann. Save (r 'C: \ Users \ bj0lt5 \ \ Desktop \ Python Image_processing \ data_number \ characterRecognize XML')

"' test neural network" '
TestImage, testLabels=load_mnist (r 'C: \ Users \ \ Desktop \ Python Image_processing \ data_number', 't10k')
# result=np. Zeros ((testLabels shape [0], charNum), dtype=np. Float32)
Retval, result=Ann predict (np) array (image, dtype=np. Float32))
Print (result) [: 2]

CodePudding user response:

Why did you use python without tensorflow, data are more

CodePudding user response:

New haven't come into contact with the Tensor flow,, I go to learn, but so should also can realize, don't know where is there a problem

CodePudding user response:

Hello ~ I want to ask you that you solve this problem? Because I now also in the use of opencv to train the neural network, I also encountered this problem,
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