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To deduct amount starting with the smallest until amount is exhausted


I have a SQL table that looks like this

CREATE TABLE #Temp_Supply 
    Supplier_Name Varchar(30), 
    Invoice_Number Varchar(20), 
    Amount Money

INSERT INTO #Temp_Supply (Supplier_Name, Invoice_Number, Amount)
    SELECT 'Supply1', 'Inv1', 1000 UNION
    SELECT 'Supply1', 'Inv2', 2000 UNION
    SELECT 'Supply1', 'Inv3', 3000 UNION
    SELECT 'Supply2', 'Inv1', 1500 UNION
SELECT 'Supply2', 'Inv2', 2500
CREATE TABLE #Temp_Supply_Deduction
    Supplier_Name Varchar(30), 
    Deduction_Amount Money

INSERT INTO #Temp_Supply_Deduction(Supplier_Name, Deduction_Amount)
    SELECT 'Supply1', 2500 UNION
SELECT 'Supply2', 500
SELECT * FROM #Temp_Supply
SELECT * FROM #Temp_Supply_Deduction

While selecting the supply table To deduct the Hold amount starting with the smallest Invoice Number until the amount is exhausted

The excepted output should be

Supplier_Name Invoice_Number Amount
Supply1 Inv1 0.00
Supply1 Inv2 500
Supply1 Inv3 3000
Supply2 Inv1 500.00
Supply2 Inv2 2500.00


CodePudding user response:

use window function sum() over (partition by ... order by ...) to get the cumulative sum of Amount. Use CASE expression to conditionally check for Deduction_Amount against the cumulative sum amount to determine the balance amount

select d.Supplier_Name, 
       Invoice_Amount = s.Amount,
       Balance = case when  d.Deduction_Amount
                      >=    sum(s.Amount) over (partition by d.Supplier_Name 
                                                order by s.Amount, 
                      then  0
                      when  d.Deduction_Amount 
                      >=    sum(s.Amount) over (partition by d.Supplier_Name 
                                                    order by s.Amount, 
                      -     s.Amount
                      then  sum(s.Amount) over (partition by d.Supplier_Name 
                                                    order by s.Amount, 
                      -     d.Deduction_Amount
                      else  s.Amount
from   #Temp_Supply_Deduction d
       inner join #Temp_Supply s on d.Supplier_Name = s.Supplier_Name

db<>fiddle demo

By the way, your expected output in the question is wrong

Should be

Supplier_Name Deduction_Amount Invoice_Number Invoice_Amount Balance
Supply1 2500.0000 Inv1 1000.0000 0.0000
Supply1 2500.0000 Inv2 2000.0000 500.0000
Supply1 2500.0000 Inv3 3000.0000 3000.0000
Supply2 500.0000 Inv1 1500.0000 1000.0000
Supply2 500.0000 Inv2 2500.0000 2500.0000
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