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How to give a error message when one or more fields are not given a value in ASP.Net 6.0 Core MVC


The user is able to post an outfit (a image/picture) to the website. If the user wants to post an outfit, he needs to give the outfit some values. The outfit needs to have a : Price, title, path (from file explorer) and a category (which is an enum).

The category can be chosen via a drop down menu, the title and price are given a value via a textbox.

So the conclusion is, to be able to post an outfit, you need to upload an image and give that image some values all in the same view. If one of the attributes isn't given a value (so for example no image is chosen, or the price is not given a value) there should be an error : one of the fields is missing.

When all attributes are given a value, the outfit with the given values goes to the database.

this is my outfit model:

public class OutfitVM
    public enum OutfitCategory

        public int? Prijs { get; set; }
        public string? Titel { get; set; }
        public string? FileAdress { get; set; }
        public OutfitCategory? DeCategory { get; }
        public bool Retry { get; set; }

        //public List<Review> Reviews { get; set; } = new List<Review>();

        public OutfitVM(string titel, int prijs, string fileadress, OutfitCategory 
        this.Titel = titel;
        this.Prijs = prijs;
        this.FileAdress = fileadress;
        DeCategory = category;
    public OutfitVM()


This is the controller so far:

  public class ToevoegController : Controller
                private readonly ILogger<ToevoegController> _logger;
            public ToevoegController(ILogger<ToevoegController> logger)
                _logger = logger;
            public ActionResult OutfitToevoegen()  //IActionresult is een interface en 
                actionresult is een implimentatie daarvan
                OutfitVM outfitVM = new OutfitVM();
                outfitVM.Retry = false;
                return View(outfitVM);
                //dit uitleg? wrm maak je nieuwe vm aan en wrm geef je die mee aan view
            public IActionResult OutfitToevoegen(OutfitVM outfit)

So inside the HttpPost method there should be some code which tells the program to give an error if one or more of the attributes I mentioned earlier is not given a value.

OutfitCategory = category (which is chosen via a drop down menu)
Prijs = price (which is given a value via a textbox)
Title = title (which is given a value via a textbox)
FileAdress = path (which is automatically given a value when the user chooses a picture from file explorer)

Once every attribute of the outfit is given a value, then the outfit (image) and the values associated with it go to the database.


CodePudding user response:

"So inside the HttpPost method there should be some code wich tells the program to give an error if one or more of the attributes i mentioned earlier is not given a value?"

There are lot of way to do that. One is enter image description here


If you check the captured screenshot, you would seen when I have sent empty request it responded with the 400 saying validation got failed as below:

enter image description here

So using [Required] annotation you can handle this without writing any extra validation code for that. [Required] as your controller action argument will do that.

Hope that would assist you accordingly what you are trying to implement.

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