Home > Software engineering >  In R, what is the best way to save this type of list as a permanent file?
In R, what is the best way to save this type of list as a permanent file?


My question is straightforward: I have generated this type of object in R, that looks like a data frame, but is actually an array.

> confidence
, , 1

          [,1]        [,2]
2.5%  16.98751 -0.03834785
97.5% 17.58275 -0.01476014

, , 2

          [,1]        [,2]
2.5%  18.69040 -0.06682464
97.5% 19.63179 -0.03040943

, , 3

          [,1]        [,2]
2.5%  20.41596 -0.09509432
97.5% 21.58752 -0.05110339

> class(confidence)
[1] "array"

I am looking for a way to export it in a useful format, for example to work on it with excel. I am open to any type of object conversion if needed.

Thank you for your help!

CodePudding user response:

1) adply This will convert a 3d array to a data frame and then you can use write.csv and import it into Excel or transfer it using other R packages.

# test input
a <- array(1:24, 2:4, dimnames = 
  list(dim1 = c("a", "b"), dim2 = c("A", "B", "C"), dim3 = 1:4))

plyr::adply(a, 1:2)


  dim1 dim2 1  2  3  4
1    a    A 1  7 13 19
2    b    A 2  8 14 20
3    a    B 3  9 15 21
4    b    B 4 10 16 22
5    a    C 5 11 17 23
6    b    C 6 12 18 24

2) ftable Another way is to use ftable and ftable2df. The latter is defined in this SO post: enter image description here

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