CAD, for more line segment, the segment VBA program can access the object Area, e Layer properties such as, but not be able to access Coordinates, the Coordinates (1), and other attribute information, which help to solve the great god, be obliged, under this code,
Public Sub Test_Some ()
Dim e As Object
Dim SObject As Object
On the Error Resume Next
The Set SObject=ThisDrawing. SelectionSets. Add (" Object ") 'will be assigned to the variable
SObject. SelectOnScreen 'screen selection object
For Each e In SObject
The Debug. Print e.L ayer
The Debug. Print e.A rea
'the Debug. Print the oordinates of e.c. with our fabrication:' the words cannot run through, not the results
'the Debug. Print the oordinates of e.c. with our fabrication: (1)' the other cannot run through, not the results
SObject. Clear
SObject. Delete
End Sub