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How do I make a regression line for all values of my variable?


My plot:

mod <- lm(price~number_people distance_center)

Now I want to include regression lines that show the correlation of price & distance_center - including all 6 characteristics of my variable "number_people"

My idea:


The Plot

Unfortunately, I don't think this is quite right, I am not sure how to make a right step. Any idea?

CodePudding user response:

You didn't post your data, so it's difficult to tell exactly how it's structured (is "number_people" numeric or factor?). In either case, you will need one regression line for each unique number_people.

Here I have created a similar data set with the same names as yours:

mod <- lm(price ~ number_people   distance_center, data = airbnb)

plot(airbnb$distance_center, airbnb$price,
     pch = 13, xlab = "distance_center", ylab = "price", bty = "n")

invisible(sapply(unique(airbnb$number_people), function(x) {
  abline(a = coef(mod)[1]   x * coef(mod)[2], b = coef(mod)[3])

Made up data


airbnb <- data.frame(
  distance_center = sqrt(runif(100, 0, 10)^2   runif(100, 0, 10)^2),
  number_people = sample(6, 100, TRUE))
airbnb$price <- 50   airbnb$number_people * 
                50 / airbnb$distance_center   rnorm(100, 0, 5)^2

Created on 2022-05-28 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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