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Using Powershell convert JSON with multiple column headers and rows


I've used this question to get me started. However, I have the following JSON data that has multiple column headers and rows that contain multiple sets of data.

    "columnHeaders": {
        "dimensions": [
        "metrics": [
                "name": "usage_amount",
                "dataType": "float"
                "name": "pretax_cost",
                "dataType": "currency"
                "name": "actial_cost",
                "dataType": "currency"
    "rows": [
            "dimensions": [
                "(not set)",
                "(not set)",
                "(not set)",
            "metrics": [
                    "count": "1",
                    "max": "0.52",
                    "min": "0.10",
                    "sum": "0.52"
                    "count": "1",
                    "max": "-22.24",
                    "min": "-22.24",
                    "sum": "-22.24"
                    "count": "1",
                    "max": "1.26",
                    "min": "0",
                    "sum": "1.52"

If I use the last suggestion, I can get the dimensions fine, but that I need to the "sum" value for each metric.

$A = Get-Content 'C:\Temp\sample.json' | ConvertFrom-Json 

    $Rows = 
    ForEach($Row in $A.rows )
        $TmpHashCol = [Ordered]@{}
        $TmpHashMet = [Ordered]@{}
        For($i = 0; $i -lt $Row.dimensions.Length;   $i )

                 #For($s = 0; $s -lt $Row.metrics.length;   $s )
                 #   {
                  #  }


For the '$TmpHashMet' I get the error: Exception calling "Add" with "2" argument(s): "Key cannot be null. Yet, when I try to specify the name it doesn't like that either.

This is what I would like for the data to look like when complete:

year_month      :   2022-04
tag1            :   (not set)
computer_name   :   server1
account_name    :   account1
resource_name   :   server1_bios_name
category3       :   undefined
tag8            :   (not set)
tag11           :   (not set)
db_engine       :   SQLServer
usage_amount    :   0.52
pretax_cost     :   -22.24
actial_cost     :   1.52

Many thanks in advance!!!

CodePudding user response:

This is one way you could do it, you need a new inner loop for the Values on .metrics.sum, I have also modified your code a bit so it works in case the Json comes with more than 1 row.

$headers = $json.columnHeaders.dimensions
$metrics = $json.columnHeaders.metrics.name

foreach($row in $json.rows) {
    $out = [ordered]@{}
    for($i = 0; $i -lt $row.dimensions.Count; $i  ) {
        $out[$headers[$i]] = $row.dimensions[$i]
    for($i = 0; $i -lt $metrics.Count; $i  ) {
        $out[$metrics[$i]] = $row.metrics.sum[$i]
    [pscustomobject] $out

The output should look like your desired one:

year_month    : 2022-04
tag1          : (not set)
computer_name : server1
account_name  : account1
resource_name : server1_bios_name
category3     : undefined
tag8          : (not set)
tag11         : (not set)
db_engine     : SQLServer
usage_amount  : 0.52
pretax_cost   : -22.24
actial_cost   : 1.52
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