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Changing value of a specific TD using jQuery


I would really like your help. Couldn't find the solution on past posts.

I am trying to change the text of a specific td in a specific row.

So I got this code which I find the specific row:

$('#courses-table tr').each(function () {
    if (this.children[6].innerText == newAssignment[3]) { // check courses
        if (this.children[5].textContent == newAssignment[5].split(' ').slice(1).join(' ')) { // check route

            if (this.children[4].textContent == newAssignment[4].split(' ').slice(1).join(' ')) { // check semester

                this.getElementsByTagName('td')[0].innerHTML = "TEST";

Now, after i find the row with the specific data, i want to change for example the td in position 5 to be something else.

But .innerHTML don't work for me.

Do you guys have any suggestions for me?

CodePudding user response:

Consider the following.

$(function() {
  var newAssignment = [
    "Col 0",
    "Col 1",
    "Col 2",
    "C Col4",
    "B Col5",
    "Col 6"
  newAssignment[4] = newAssignment[4].split(' ').slice(1).join(' ');
  newAssignment[5] = newAssignment[5].split(' ').slice(1).join(' ');
  $('#courses-table tr').each(function(i, row) {
    if ($("td:eq(6)", row).text() == newAssignment[3]) { // check courses
      console.log("First Hit");
      if ($("td:eq(5)", row).text() == newAssignment[5]) { // check route
        console.log("Second Hit");
        if ($("td:eq(4)", row).text() == newAssignment[4]) { // check semester
          console.log("Third Hit");
          console.log($("td:eq(3)", row).text());
          $("td:eq(0)", row).html("TEST");
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="courses-table" width="100%">
      <td>Col 1</td>
      <td>Col 2</td>
      <td>Col 3</td>
      <td>Col 6</td>
      <td>Col 1</td>
      <td>Col 2</td>
      <td>Col 3</td>
      <td>Col 1</td>
      <td>Col 2</td>
      <td>Col 3</td>
      <td>Col 6</td>

This turns it all into jQuery instead of a mix. I used i and row for Index and Element in the .each() callback. Now we can select the Cells as needed and perform the tests.

CodePudding user response:

Look for the corresponding number commented in the example:

  • ➊ The double ?? is a nullish coalescing operator. If document.querySelector(selector) is null because it couldn't find the first @param it will default to document.querySelector('table')

  • ➋ The chained ternary operators are basically if/if else/else conditionals. This particular chain insures that if the selector points to <table> it gets redirected to <tbody>. We will be using .rows property and if <table> is referenced then the length of .rows will include <thead> and <tfoot> if they exist.

  • ➌ If the last @param is passed as true then .replaceChildren() will be used to remove all content of target cell.

  • ➍ Finally we'll append the HTML/text to the target cell.

// The numbers are index 0 so if you want to target the 6th row it's index 5
tGrp.rows[5].cells[3].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', content)

 * @desc locate a table cell (<td>/<th>) of a <thead>, <tbody>, or <tfoot> by 2 given 
 *       indices and insert or replace it's content with text and/or HTML.
 * @param {string<CSS selector>} selector - Reference to the <table> or it's children       
 * @param {number} row - Index of the <tr> of target cell
 * @param {number} col - Index of the target <td>/<th> 
 * @param {string<htmlString>} content - A string of HTML and/or text
 * @param {boolean} overwrite - If false, content is appended. If true, cell content will
 *        replaced with content
 * @default {boolean} overwrite - false
function rowCol(selector, row, col, content, overwrite = false) {
  let table = document.querySelector(selector) ?? document.querySelector('table'); //➊
  let tGrp =
    table.tagName === 'TBODY' ? table :
    table.tagName === 'TABLE' ? table.tBodies[0] :
    table.tagName === 'THEAD' ? table :
    table.tagName === 'TFOOT' ? table : table.tBodies[0]; //➋
  if (overwrite) {
    tGrp.rows[row].cells[col].replaceChildren(); //➌
  tGrp.rows[row].cells[col].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', content); //➍

rowCol('table', 7, 3, ` <input placeholder="Enter text">`);
rowCol('tbody', 2, 0, `This is an overwrite`, true);
rowCol('.test', 9, 5, `<br>Last row and column`);
rowCol('thead', 0, 4, `Fifth column`, true);
rowCol('table', 6, 3, `<a href='example.com'>Example.com</a>`, true);
rowCol('t', 5, 1, `If the first parameter is wrong, it's OK as long as it's a string`, true);
td {
  border: 1px solid black;
<table class='test'>

CodePudding user response:

//assign these outside the cycle for better performance
var route = newAssignment[5].split(' ').slice(1).join(' ');
var semester = newAssignment[4].split(' ').slice(1).join(' ');

$('#courses-table tr').each(function (index,element) {
    var rowElement = $(element);     
    var rowChildren = rowElement.children(); //arent those all td ?

    if( rowChildren.eq(6).text() == newAssignment[3] && 
        rowChildren.eq(5).text() == route && 
        rowChildren.eq(4).text() == semester){

        var rowTDs = rowElement.find('td');// isnt this same to row children ?? 
        console.log( rowTDs .eq(3).text() );
        rowTDs .eq(0).html("TEST" );

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