I'm having trouble showing how to ensure recursively decreasing functions on a tree class in Dafny. I have the following definitions which verify.
class RoseTree {
var NodeType: int
var id: string
var children: array<RoseTree>
ghost var nodeSet: set<RoseTree>
constructor(nt: int, id: string, children: array<RoseTree>)
ensures forall x :: 0 <= x < children.Length ==> children[x].nodeSet <= this.nodeSet
ensures forall x :: 0 <= x < this.children.Length ==> this.children[x].nodeSet <= this.nodeSet
this.NodeType := nt;
this.id := id;
this.children := children;
if children.Length == 0 {
this.nodeSet := {this};
this.nodeSet := {this} childrenNodeSet(children);
function setRosePick(s: set<set<RoseTree>>): set<RoseTree>
requires s != {}
var x :| x in s; x
function setUnion(setosets: set<set<RoseTree>>) : set<RoseTree>
decreases setosets
if setosets == {} then {} else
var x := setRosePick(setosets);
assert x <= x setUnion(setosets-{x});
x setUnion(setosets-{x})
lemma setUnionDef(s: set<set<RoseTree>>, y: set<RoseTree>)
requires y in s
ensures setUnion(s) == y setUnion(s - {y})
var x := setRosePick(s);
if y == x {
calc {
x setUnion(s - {x});
== {setUnionDef(s - {x}, y); }
x y setUnion(s - {x} - {y});
== { assert s - {x} - {y} == s - {y} - {x}; }
y x setUnion(s - {y} - {x});
== {setUnionDef(s - {y}, x); }
y setUnion(s - {y});
lemma setUnionReturns(s: set<set<RoseTree>>)
ensures s == {} ==> setUnion(s) == {}
ensures s != {} ==> forall x :: x in s ==> x <= setUnion(s)
if s == {} {
assert setUnion(s) == {};
} else {
forall x | x in s
ensures x <= setUnion(s)
setUnionDef(s, x);
assert x <= x setUnion(s-{x});
function childNodeSets(children: array<RoseTree>): set<set<RoseTree>>
reads children
reads set x | 0 <= x < children.Length :: children[x]
set x | 0 <= x < children.Length :: children[x].nodeSet
function childNodeSetsPartial(children: array<RoseTree>, index: int): set<set<RoseTree>>
requires 0 <= index < children.Length
reads children
reads set x | index <= x < children.Length :: children[x]
set x | index <= x < children.Length :: children[x].nodeSet
function childrenNodeSet(children: array<RoseTree>): set<RoseTree>
reads children
reads set x | 0 <= x < children.Length :: children[x]
ensures forall x :: x in childNodeSets(children) ==> x <= childrenNodeSet(children)
ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < children.Length ==> children[i].nodeSet <= childrenNodeSet(children)
var y := childNodeSets(children);
In particular I'm trying to define the height function for the tree.
function height(node: RoseTree):nat
reads node
reads node.children
reads set x | 0 <= x < node.children.Length :: node.children[x]
decreases node.nodeSet
if node.children.Length == 0 then 1 else 1 maxChildHeight(node, node.children,node.children.Length-1,0)
function maxChildHeight(node: RoseTree, children: array<RoseTree>, index: nat, best: nat) : nat
reads node
reads node.children
reads set x | 0 <= x < node.children.Length :: node.children[x]
requires children == node.children
requires 0 <= index < children.Length
ensures forall x :: 0 <= x <= index < children.Length ==> maxChildHeight(node, children, index, best) >= height(children[x])
decreases node.nodeSet - setUnion(childNodeSetsPartial(children, index)), 1
if index == 0 then best else if height(children[index]) >= best then maxChildHeight(node, children, index-1, height(children[index])) else maxChildHeight(node, children, index-1, best)
I though it should be possible to show that the nodeSet of the node will be a subset of its parent node or that the union of child node sets will be a subset of the parent node, and thus both functions will terminate. My decreases expressions don't prove it to dafny and I'm not quite sure how to proceed. Is there another way to prove termination or can I fix these decrease statements?
Also, do all instances of a class have the constructor ensure statements applied implicitly or only if explicitly constructed using the constructor?
Edit: updated definitions of childNodeSetsPartial and maxChildHeight to recurse downward. It still doesn't verify.
CodePudding user response:
Defining mutable linked heap-allocated data structures in Dafny is not very common except as an exercise. So you should consider whether a datatype would serve you better, as in
datatype RoseTree = Node(children: seq<RoseTree>)
function height(r: RoseTree): int
if r.children == [] then
var c := set i | 0 <= i < |r.children| :: height(r.children[i]);
assert height(r.children[0]) in c;
assert c != {};
SetMax(c) 1
If you insist on mutable linked heap-allocated data structures, then there is a standard idiom for doing that. Please read sections 0 and 1 of these lecture notes and check out the modern version of the example code here.
Applying this idiom to your code, we get the following.
class RoseTree {
var NodeType: int
var id: string
var children: array<RoseTree>
ghost var repr: set<object>
predicate Valid()
reads this, repr
decreases repr
&& this in repr
&& children in repr
&& (forall i | 0 <= i < children.Length ::
children[i] in repr
&& children[i].repr <= repr
&& this !in children[i].repr
&& children[i].Valid())
constructor(nt: int, id: string, children: array<RoseTree>)
requires forall i | 0 <= i < children.Length :: children[i].Valid()
ensures Valid()
this.NodeType := nt;
this.id := id;
this.children := children;
this.repr := {this, children}
(set i | 0 <= i < children.Length :: children[i])
(set x, i | 0 <= i < children.Length && x in children[i].repr :: x);
function SetMax(s: set<int>): int
requires s != {}
ensures forall x | x in s :: SetMax(s) >= x
var x :| x in s;
if s == {x} then
var y := SetMax(s - {x});
assert forall z | z in s :: z == x || (z in (s - {x}) && y >= z);
if x > y then x else y
function height(node: RoseTree): nat
requires node.Valid()
reads node.repr
if node.children.Length == 0 then
var c := set i | 0 <= i < node.children.Length :: height(node.children[i]);
assert height(node.children[0]) in c;
assert c != {};
SetMax(c) 1
do all instances of a class have the constructor ensure statements applied implicitly or only if explicitly constructed using the constructor?
I'm not sure if I understand this question. I think the answer is "no", though. Since a class might have multiple constructors with different postconditions.