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How to get a value for the next year


Considering the following dataset:

Company name Year Customers
Company A 2018 100
Company B 2018 120
Company C 2018 150
Company A 2019 120
Company B 2019 180
Company C 2019 80
Company A 2020 200
Company B 2020 500
Company C 2020 140

What I want to do is to measure the future return of the customers. So, I need to have the customer amount of next year in a new column. Something like this:

Company name Year Customers Customers next year
Company A 2018 100 120
Company B 2018 120 180
Company C 2018 150 80
Company A 2019 120 200
Company B 2019 180 500
Company C 2019 80 140
Company A 2020 200 NA
Company B 2020 500 NA
Company C 2020 140 NA

Does anybody have any idea how to do this?

CodePudding user response:

You can use lead like in the following code:

df %>%
  group_by(Company) %>%
  mutate(customers_next_year = lead(Customers)) %>%


# A tibble: 9 × 4
# Groups:   Company [3]
  Company  Year Customers customers_next_year
  <chr>   <dbl>     <dbl>               <dbl>
1 A        2018       100                 120
2 B        2018       120                 180
3 C        2018       150                  80
4 A        2019       120                 200
5 B        2019       180                 500
6 C        2019        80                 140
7 A        2020       200                  NA
8 B        2020       500                  NA
9 C        2020       140                  NA


df <- data.frame(Company = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), 3),
                 Year = c(2018, 2018, 2018, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2020, 2020, 2020),
                 Customers = c(100,120,150,120,180,80,200,500,140))

CodePudding user response:

A method without external pacakges:

within(df, {
  customers_next_year <- ave(Customers, Company, FUN = \(x) c(x[-1], NA))

#   Company Year Customers customers_next_year
# 1       A 2018       100                 120
# 2       B 2018       120                 180
# 3       C 2018       150                  80
# 4       A 2019       120                 200
# 5       B 2019       180                 500
# 6       C 2019        80                 140
# 7       A 2020       200                  NA
# 8       B 2020       500                  NA
# 9       C 2020       140                  NA
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