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Write a create a shortcut of VB script


Rem below for VbScript script
The Set WshShell=WScript. CreateObject (" WScript. Shell ")
StrDesktop=WshShell. SpecialFolders (" Desktop ") : special folders "Desktop"
'Rem create a notepad on the desktop shortcut
The set oShellLink=WshShell. CreateShortcut (strDesktop & amp; "\ 360 secured browser. LNK")
OShellLink. TargetPath="C: \ Program Files \ (x86) Chrome - bin \ 360 se. Exe" : '
targetOShellLink. WindowStyle=3: 'maximum parameters 1 default window activation, 3 activation, parameters and minimize
OShellLink. Hotkey="Ctrl + Alt + e" : 'shortcuts
OShellLink. IconLocation="C: \ Program Files \ (x86) Chrome - bin \ 360 se. Exe" 'icon
OShellLink. The Description="360 browser shortcuts" : 'remarks
OShellLink. WorkingDirectory=strDesktop: 'starting position
OShellLink. Save: 'create Save shortcuts to

Want to line 6 target is replaced by "C: \ Program Files \ 360\360 se. Exe" such a goal, how to change the http://www.baidu.com
Thank you master

CodePudding user response:

If you this code is not other problems,
In the oShellLink. Save before it is ok to add this sentence:
OShellLink. The Arguments="http://www.baidu.com"

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