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Making a Spring Boot Web/MVC server application fail with a human-friendly message if no profile is


I have a Spring Boot 2.7 Web/MVC server application with profiles for different environments (DEV/QA/PROD). I have a common application.properties with shared configuration and environment specific configuration, for example, JDBC URLs in separate application-<environment>.properties on the classpath.

If the application is started without a profile being selected, it fails with a cryptic error message complaining about a jdbcUrl property missing and not being able to initialize the context - all this within a huge stack trace. This is self-explanatory for the developer, but not trivial for an operations person.

What would be the Spring way of checking if exactly one profile is selected and displaying a non-stacktrace, human (operator) friendly error message? I am looking for something similar to what is shown if the server port is already in use. I would like to avoid hacks and find the Spring-endorsed solution for this.

CodePudding user response:

it fails with a cryptic error message complaining about a jdbcUrl property missing and not being able to initialize the context - all this within a huge stack trace

The more fundamental problem seems to be that you're fighting the built-in Boot facilities that provide assistance to humans out of the box. Instead of using @Value("${jdbcUrl}") in your code, you should inject a javax.sql.DataSource, and Boot will automatically configure one when spring.datasource.url is set. If it's not present, you'll get an error that says "no bean of DataSource is available", and the auto-config report will explain why.

CodePudding user response:

You can use a postprocessor for a value . If it is not present, then log your human friendly error error message and quit the application.


public BeanPostProcessor bpp(Environment environment) {
    return new BeanPostProcessor() {

        public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {

                // Your Error message goes here

            return bean;

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