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How to call toString() Method from one class to another class without main method in java


I'm trying to make simple pokemon game.

How to I call toString method from Trainer.java to Arena.java? I tried to use this.trainer1.toString(), but it doesn't work. Also Arena.java has no main method.

while compiling programme, this error appears

Arena.java:14: error: illegal start of type
Arena.java:14: error: ';' expected
Arena.java:14: error: <identifier> expected
Arena.java:15: error: illegal start of type
Arena.java:15: error: ';' expected
Arena.java:15: error: <identifier> expected
6 errors

Here are the files


import java.util.Random;

public class Trainer {

    private String nameTrainer;
    private Taschenmonster[] inventar = new Taschenmonster[6];

    // getter and setter Methods for attributes

     * getter and setter for nameTrainer
    public String getNameTrainer() {
        return this.nameTrainer;
    public void setNameTrainer(String nameTrainer) {
        this.nameTrainer = nameTrainer;

     * getter and setter for inventar
    // public Taschenmonster getInventar() {
    //     return this.inventar;
    // }
    // public void setName(String nameTrainer) {
    //     this.nameTrainer = nameTrainer;
    // }

    // constructor of class Trainer
    Trainer (String nameTrainer) {
        this.nameTrainer = nameTrainer;

     * Adds Taschenmonster to Inventar of Trainer.
    public void receive(int pos, Taschenmonster monsterObject) {
       if (pos < 6) {
           inventar[pos] = monsterObject;

     * give out a randomly selected Taschenmonster for battle
    public Taschenmonster send() {

        int random = new Random().nextInt(inventar.length);

        return inventar[random];


     * Overriding the string method 
    public String toString() {
        return "Taschenmonster von "   nameTrainer   "\n"   inventar[0].getNameMonster()   " "   inventar[1].getNameMonster()   " "   inventar[2].getNameMonster()   " "   inventar[3].getNameMonster()   " "   inventar[4].getNameMonster()   " "   inventar[5].getNameMonster();    



public class Arena {

    private Trainer trainer1;
    private Trainer trainer2;

    // constructor of class Arena
    Arena (Trainer trainer1, Trainer trainer2) {
        this.trainer1 = trainer1;
        this.trainer2 = trainer2;

    // giving out the profile of the trainers
    // this.trainer1.toString();
    // this.trainer2.toString();



public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {

        // making objects from class Taschenmonster
        Taschenmonster t1 = new Taschenmonster("Pikachu", 5, 7);
        Taschenmonster t2 = new Taschenmonster("Eevee", 5, 6);
        Taschenmonster t3 = new Taschenmonster("Charmander", 5, 4);
        Taschenmonster t4 = new Taschenmonster("Bulbasaur", 5, 5);
        Taschenmonster t5 = new Taschenmonster("Squirtle", 5, 2);
        Taschenmonster t6 = new Taschenmonster("Mewoth", 5, 3);

        // instantiating trainers from class Trainer
        Trainer trainer1 = new Trainer("Paul");
        Trainer trainer2 = new Trainer("Chris");

        // adding Taschenmonster to both trainers
        trainer1.receive(0, t1);
        trainer1.receive(1, t2);
        trainer1.receive(2, t3);
        trainer1.receive(3, t4);
        trainer1.receive(4, t5);
        trainer1.receive(5, t6);

        trainer2.receive(0, t1);
        trainer2.receive(1, t2);
        trainer2.receive(2, t3);
        trainer2.receive(3, t4);
        trainer2.receive(4, t5);
        trainer2.receive(5, t6);

        // giving out profiles of Players



import java.util.*;

public class Taschenmonster {

    // class attributes
    private String nameMonster;
    private int lives, damageValue;

    // getter and setter Methods for attributes

     * getter and setter for nameMonster
    public String getNameMonster() {
        return this.nameMonster;
    public void setNameMonster(String nameMonster) {
        this.nameMonster = nameMonster;

     * getter and setter for lives
    public int getLives() {
        return this.lives;
    public void setLives(int lives) {
        this.lives = lives;

     * getter and setter for damageValue
    public int getDamageValue() {
        return this.damageValue;
    public void setDamageValue(int damageValue) {
        this.damageValue = damageValue;

    // constructor of class Taschenmonster
    Taschenmonster (String nameMonster, int lives, int damageValue) {
        this.nameMonster = nameMonster;
        this.lives = lives;
        this.damageValue = damageValue;

     * how much lives is remaining with Taschenmonster
    public void receiveDamage() {
        if (this.lives == 0) {
            System.out.println("Caution! No lives left.");

     * gives out estimated attackValue of Taschenmonster in form of double. 
    public int attackValue() {
        Random random = new Random();
        return this.damageValue *= random.nextInt() % 2;

     * Overriding toString() Method and values of object 
    public String toString() {
        return nameMonster   " "   lives   " "   damageValue;


CodePudding user response:


The compiler errors shown complain about method-invocations that are loosely dangling in your class. These method-invocations in a class must be located inside executable blocks like static { } or public String toString() { }.

Inside a block means inside curly braces like:

void method {
  // inside a block

Print fields of a class

To print out the trainers (fields of class Arena) you can add an instance method to the class. For example public void printTrainers() {}.

Therein add a printing call like System.out.println(). As argument to this method-invocation pass the trainer1 field or explicitly the expression trainer1.toString(), even longer this.trainer1.toString().

Then you can call the method (it should be public) from outside (e.g. in your main) like: arena.printTrainers();.

Code Example:

public class Arena {

    private Trainer trainer1;
    private Trainer trainer2;

    // constructor of class Arena
    Arena (Trainer trainer1, Trainer trainer2) {
        this.trainer1 = trainer1;
        this.trainer2 = trainer2;

    public void printTrainers() {
        // giving out the profile of the trainers


        // this.trainer2.toString();
        System.out.println(trainer2); // equal result: calls toString implicitly


Further spots

You can also print trainers from your main-method directly. Therefor they must be accessible like variables.

✔️ It will work like seen in your code:

// previous class lines omitted

    public static void main(String args[]) {  // executable-BLOCK begins

        // instantiating trainers from class Trainer
        Trainer trainer1 = new Trainer("Paul");  // declaration can also be outside the method- or executable-block
        Trainer trainer2 = new Trainer("Chris");

        // giving out profiles of Players
        System.out.println(trainer1);        // INSIDE the executable-block: valid invocation OK 

    }  // executable-BLOCK ends

// further class lines omitted

⚠️ Warning: the heading comment states Players but you are printing Trainers.

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