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How to get the language code back from a localizedString?


I have a Picker in my Settings tab that displays all the supported languages to the user. Showing the language codes is not very human-readable, so I display the localizedStrings in the Picker instead. I need to retrieve the original language code back from this localizedString, however, to store it in the UserDefault (or in this case, through the @AppStorage). Is there a way to do this through Locale (or any other built-in library)? I read the documentation and tried looking for similar questions on StackOverflow / the Apple developer forum, but all questions seem to be about language code --> localizedString, rather than localizedString -> language code. Alternatively, I can also make an enum that stores all this information for me, but I'd like to know whether there's a better way of doing this.

The code:

@AppStorage("language") var language: String = "en"
@State var selectedLanguage = "English"

Picker("settingsTabGeneralSectionHeader".localized(), selection: $selectedLanguage) {
    ForEach(Bundle.main.localizations, id: \.self) {
        Text((Locale.current as NSLocale).localizedString(forLanguageCode: $0)!)
.onChange(of: selectedLanguage) { selection in
    language = ??? // Inverse of Locale.localizedString

Thank you.

CodePudding user response:

We can bind Picker selection directly to AppStorage and use code as tag to match, so code is simplified to

struct ContentView: View {
    @AppStorage("language") var language: String = "en"

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Selected: "   language)
            Picker("", selection: $language) {
                ForEach(Bundle.main.localizations, id: \.self) {
                    Text((Locale.current as NSLocale)
                      .localizedString(forLanguageCode: $0)!).tag($0)  // << here !!

and selection separated from presentation.

Tested with Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5

Test module on GitHub

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