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How in Windows 7 with win10 administrator privileges


Such as topic recently to do a project, the boss think about open the software to determine whether a IP address within a network segment if not automatically modify IP just now how to get administrator privileges for invoking createprocess returns 0 getlasterror returns a value of 5 access denied!

CodePudding user response:

VS: in the project properties - configuration properties - linker - listing file - level of UAC execution: requireAdministrator (/level='requireAdministrator')

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor paschen response:
VS: in the project properties - configuration properties - linker - listing file - level of UAC execution: requireAdministrator (/level='requireAdministrator')

Have changed, including the corresponding mainfast file but modify IP order still doesn't work, lasterror shows access denied

CodePudding user response:

See you first right with administrator privileges to run the program, can be modified successfully

CodePudding user response:

 if "% 1"=="l" goto l 
If "% 1"=="w" goto w
Echo network address switch batch
Echo setip l - switch to the local connection
Echo setip w - switch to the wireless network connection
Goto e

: l
Echo switch from static IP wireless network to the wired network static IP:
Netsh interface IP set the DHCP address wireless network connection
Netsh interface DHCP IP set the DNS wireless network connection
Netsh interface IP set address local connection static 1
Netsh interface IP set DNS local connection static
Goto e

: w
Echo from static IP switch to the wired network infinite network static IP:
Netsh interface IP set address local connection DHCP
Netsh interface IP set DNS local connection DHCP
Netsh interface IP set static address wireless network connection 1
Netsh interface IP set DNS wireless network connection static
Goto e


CodePudding user response:

Reply to the third floor moderators and useless, I tried

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor zhao4zhong1 response:
are for reference only:
 if "% 1"=="l" goto l 
If "% 1"=="w" goto w
Echo network address switch batch
Echo setip l - switch to the local connection
Echo setip w - switch to the wireless network connection
Goto e

: l
Echo switch from static IP wireless network to the wired network static IP:
Netsh interface IP set the DHCP address wireless network connection
Netsh interface DHCP IP set the DNS wireless network connection
Netsh interface IP set address local connection static 1
Netsh interface IP set DNS local connection static
Goto e

: w
Echo from static IP switch to the wired network infinite network static IP:
Netsh interface IP set address local connection DHCP
Netsh interface IP set DNS local connection DHCP
Netsh interface IP set static address wireless network connection 1
Netsh interface IP set DNS wireless network connection static
Goto e


Miss zhao this look not to understand I just want to determine the IP address of the Ethernet, if not suitable for change, but by the administrator permissions to give way to bypass the blocked?

CodePudding user response:

Baidu search "netsh"

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor zhao4zhong1 response:
baidu search "netsh"

WCHAR chCmd [512].
Swprintf_s (chCmd, L "C: \ \ WINDOWS \ \ SysWOW64 \ \ netsh exe interface IP set the address name=" % s \ "source=static addr= mask", osname);
ZeroMemory (& amp; Si, sizeof (STARTUPINFO));
Si. Cb=sizeof (STARTUPINFO);
Si. WShowWindow=SW_HIDE;

ZeroMemory (& amp; PI, sizeof (PROCESS_INFORMATION));

//CreateProcessAsUserW ()
BOOL bR=CreateProcessW (NULL, chCmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, & amp; Si, & amp; PI);
DWORD dw=GetLastError ();

CodePudding user response:

C: \ & gt; runas/?
RUNAS usage:

RUNAS [[/noprofile |/profile] [/env] [/savecred |/netonly]]
/user: & lt; UserName> The program

RUNAS [[/noprofile |/profile] [/env] [/savecred]]
[/user/smartcard: & lt; UserName>] The program

/noprofile specified should not load the user's profile,
This will accelerate the application load, but
May cause some abnormal application is running,
/profile specified should load the user's profile,
This is the default value,
/env to use current environment instead of user's environment,
/netonly only at the specified credentials are limited to a remote access to use,
/savecred users previously saved credentials,
Without this option on Windows XP Home Edition
This option is ignored,
/smartcard if the credential is a smart card, use this option,
/user & lt; UserName> Should use the @ DOMAIN or DOMAIN \ USER
The program EXE command line, please refer to the following example

For example:
Runas/noprofile/user: mymachine \ administrator CMD
Runas/profile/env/user: mydomain \ admin "MMC % windir % \ system32 \ dsa. The MSC"
Runas/env/user:[email protected] "notepad " my file. TXT \ ""

Note: only when prompted, enter the user's password,
Note: the USER @ DOMAIN with/netonly incompatible,
Note:/profile/netonly incompatibilities,
Note: with//savecred smartcard incompatible,

CodePudding user response:

Brother you didn't solve, I also have similar problems, I was to get the hard disk information: : CreateFile this access to 1

CodePudding user response:

references to the tenth floor HZ_1125 response:
brother you didn't solve, I also have a similar problem, I am to get the hard disk information: : CreateFile this access - 1
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