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IE loaded atl control, exit collapse, IE use windbg to check the following information, solving what


WARNING: the Stack unwind information not available. The Following frames may be wrong.
06 a0f424 ce5ee 779 00000000 00000000 06 a0f56f NTDLL! LdrFindResource_U + 0 x184
06 a0f44c 50143 f35 5014 e910 5014 e040 06 a0f667 NTDLL! LdrFindResource_U + 0 x93
06 a0f4f8 5013 f431 06 a0f56f 06 a0f554 5014 e008 ieapfltr! DllUnregisterServer + 0 x5e485
06 a0f574 5010 edd1 06 a0f5b0 06 a0f9c8 0 dce4044 ieapfltr! DllUnregisterServer + 0 x59981
5010 e0b6 06 a0fa48 0 06 a0f924 dd03eb0 03 bf6420 ieapfltr! DllUnregisterServer + 0 x29321
500 fe0a7 06 a0fa48 0 06 a0f96c dd03eb0 03 bf6420 ieapfltr! DllUnregisterServer + 0 x28606
500 ff8e9 07 c77c5c 0 06 a0fa9c dd7fc50 03 b8c150 ieapfltr! DllUnregisterServer + 0 x185f7
06 a0fb0c 50100432 03 c07380 03 be0540 0 dd7fc30 ieapfltr! DllUnregisterServer + 0 x19e39
500 f5c9f 03 c07380 03 be0540 0 06 a0fb3c dd7fc30 ieapfltr! DllUnregisterServer + 0 x1a982
06 a0fb90 500 f5e99 00000000 07 e12120 00000000 ieapfltr! DllUnregisterServer + 0 x101ef
779 e7e5f 0 06 a0fba4 dd7fc30 7 a73417f 07 e12120 ieapfltr! DllUnregisterServer + 0 x103e9
779 d7fbd 0 06 a0fc18 dd7fc30 07 e12120 7 a73400f NTDLL! RtlClearAllBits + 0 x110
06 a0fd68 06 a0fdb4 d0338a 00724028 76 779 b9902 NTDLL! TpCallbackIndependent + 0 x710
06 a0fd74 779 b9902 00724028 7 a7340d3 00000000 kernel32! X12 BaseThreadInitThunk + 0
06 a0fdb4 779 b98d5 779 d7ad8 00724028 FFFFFFFF NTDLL! RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0 x63
06 a0fdcc d7ad8 00000000 779 00724028 00000000 NTDLL! RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0 x36

CodePudding user response:

Iexplore. Exe of 0 x779b29e3 place the most possible exceptions: 0 xc0000005: access conflict while reading position 0 x06bd5392

Look at the stack is NTDLL inside, do not have any useful information

CodePudding user response:

Collapsed in the pop-up dialog box, press the corresponding button to enter debugging press Alt + 7 key to view the Call Stack, namely "the Call Stack" from the inside to the following out of from the inner to outer function Call history, double-click a row to the cursor to the Call of the source code or assembly instruction, don't understand when double click on the next line, until we can read ,

Sometimes not to "call a function name + each parameter value, after entering the function of each parameter values, intermediate variable values, exit the function return value of preparation, return to the function to call after the function value of the parameter name + + return value" this information to write logs to a file is where no matter how to also can not find the problem, including capture all kinds of abnormal, writing log to the screen and single step or set a breakpoint or generating core or DMP file,... These methods are not! Write logs to a file reference below:
//loop to a function sends a length of 200 bytes (this is the fixed) buffer, 
//a function need to incoming buffer, the circulation of 240 bytes (fixed) new buffer for processing,
//when dealing with each new printing takes two bytes of the buffer
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning (4996) disable:
# endif
# include & lt; Stdio. H>
# include & lt; Stdlib. H>
# include & lt; String. H>
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# include & lt; Windows. H>
# include & lt; Process. H>
# include & lt; IO. H>
# define MYVOID void
# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
# the else
# include & lt; Unistd. H>
# include & lt; Sys/time. H>
# include & lt; Pthread. H>
# define CRITICAL_SECTION pthread_mutex_t
# define MYVOID void *
# endif
//the Log {
# define MAXLOGSIZE 20000000
# define MAXLINSIZE 16000
# include & lt; Time. H>
# include & lt; Sys/timeb. H>
# include & lt; Stdarg. H>
Char logfilename1 []="MyLog1. Log";
Char logfilename2 []="MyLog2. Log";
The static char logstr [MAXLINSIZE + 1];
Char datestr [16].
Char timestr [16].
Char MSS [4].
The FILE * flog;
# ifdef _MSC_VER
The Lock (CRITICAL_SECTION void * l) {
The EnterCriticalSection (l);
Void Unlock (CRITICAL_SECTION * l) {
LeaveCriticalSection (l);
Void sleep_ms (int) ms {
Sleep (ms).
# the else
The Lock (CRITICAL_SECTION void * l) {
Pthread_mutex_lock (l);
Void Unlock (CRITICAL_SECTION * l) {
Pthread_mutex_unlock (l);
Void sleep_ms (int) ms {
Usleep (ms * 1000);
# endif
Void LogV (const char * pszFmt, va_list argp) {
* struct tm now;
Struct timeb TB;

If (NULL==pszFmt | | 0==pszFmt [0]) return;
Vsnprintf (logstr, MAXLINSIZE pszFmt, argp);
Ftime (& amp; TB);
Now=localtime (& amp; TB. Time);
Sprintf (datestr, "% d % % 4 d - 02-02 d", now - & gt; Tm_year + 1900, now - & gt; Tm_mon + 1, now - & gt; Tm_mday);
Sprintf (timestr, "02 02 02 % d: % d: % d", now - & gt; Tm_hour, now - & gt; Tm_min, now - & gt; Tm_sec);
Sprintf (MSS, "% 3 d", TB. Millitm);
Printf (" % s % s. % s % s ", datestr, timestr, MSS, logstr);
Flog=fopen (logfilename1, "a");
If (NULL! Flog)={
Fprintf (flog, "% s % s. % s % s", datestr, timestr, MSS, logstr);
If (ftell (flog) & gt; MAXLOGSIZE) {
The fclose (flog);
If (rename (logfilename1 logfilename2)) {
Remove (logfilename2);
Rename (logfilename1 logfilename2);
} else {
The fclose (flog);
Void the Log (const char * pszFmt,... ) {
Va_list argp;

The Lock (& amp; Cs_log);
Va_start (argp, pszFmt);
LogV (pszFmt argp);
Va_end (argp);
Unlock (& amp; Cs_log);
//the Log}
# define ASIZE 200
# define BSIZE 240
# define CSIZE 2
Char Abuf [ASIZE];
Char Cbuf [CSIZE];
Int the head;
Int tail;
Int size;
Char data [BSIZE];
} BBB;
Int No_Loop=0;
Void HexDump) (int cn, char * buf, int len) {
Int I, j, k; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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