ive been trying to learn vba in the past 2 weeks, but now im kinda stuck due to an issue. Dealing with dates been quite hard. But lets get to the point, ive been trying to copy data from a table(Dados) which is within a sheet to another sheet(sheet2).But before doing so the user have to properly inform wats the date interval(which are date1 and date2) he wishes to filter and it has to go through some validations like:
- The fields shouldnt be empty
- The date format must be valid
- The initial date must not be greater than the final date
- The initial date must not be bigger than todays date
Than it filters the table, and copy and paste the table for the other sheet.
Heres the table:
Thne image may not be so clear, but basically i need to filter the table based on that date range and sent it to the other sheet
Hopefully i can get some help, heres my current code which i managed to get so far:
Option Explicit
Sub DateCheck()
Dim date1 As Date, date2 As Date, StartDate, EndDate
On Error GoTo Erro:
date1 = InputBox("Write the initial Date in format dd/mm/yyyy", "StartDate") 'incompatible value when user dont input a value. error 13
date2 = InputBox("Write the Final Date in format dd/mm/yyyy", "EndDate")
If date1 = "" Or date2 = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsDate(date1) Or Not IsDate(date2) Then
MsgBox "Please enter a valid date format dd/mm/yyyy", vbCritical, "Invalid Date"
ElseIf date1 > date2 Then
MsgBox "The starter date must not be bigger than the final date ", vbCritical, "Invalid Date"
ElseIf date1 > Date Then
MsgBox "The starter Date must not be bigger than todays ", vbCritical, "Invalid Date"
StartDate = Format(DateValue(date1), "dd/mm/yyyy")
EndDate = Format(DateValue(date2), "dd/mm/yyyy")
Debug.Print StartDate
Debug.Print EndDate
' Changing the static values to Variables returns nothing
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Dados").Range.AutoFilter Field:=3, _
Criteria1:=">=" & StartDate, _
Operator:=xlAnd, _
Criteria2:="<=" & EndDate
'must find a better way to write the code below
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToLeft)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(x1Down)).Select
Range ("A1")
End If
MsgBox "Something is wrong, contact the SystemAdm", vbCritical, "Check"
End Sub
CodePudding user response:
Here are some guidelines:
- Always put “
Option Explicit
” at the beggining of the module. You can automatically set this: on the VBE, access Tools > Options > Editor and mark ‘Require Variable Declaration’ (PtBr: ‘Requerer declaração de variável’) Doing this way, the VBE force the DIM of the variables StartDate and EndDate . This will avoid misuse and mistakes with variables. - When checking dates, do not use “”, because VBE always will see this as an incompatible comparison. The sequent code, checking the two dates, do the job.
- The filter Criteria strings need to be formed as this:
Criteria1:=">=" & StartDate (...) Criteria2:="<=" & EndDate
> also note that formatting them as "mm/dd/yyyy
" in this case is required (here I did this way to run ok) - In case of mistakes entering the dates, offer a new try to the user, returning the process to the insertion of the two dates, using line labels. In addition, explicitly guide the user to left a blank date to abort the operation. Then the code will go to an Exit label (see below 5-b comment) .
- In the final portion of the code you presumably want to copy the result data in the Auto-Filter on Sheet ‘Dados’ to the cell ‘A1’ on ‘Sheet2’. So, a “new version” of it could be this way:
a) After the line ‘
’ put ‘Sheets("Dados").Select
This was missing to redirect processing to the sheet “Dados”.b) Well, even if all it’s ok, at the end of execution the user will
always receive the MsgBox alert. Insert “Exit Sub
” before the label
“Erro:” (you are a brazilian person – like me – Am I right?