I am trying to implement magic link login to my app. I enabled email login option through Firebase console and localhost is already under the authorized domains. I have the code snippet and the screenshot in the below.
I can see that some request is being done with 200 success code but I receive no email.The code does not throw any error and I have no idea what is wrong at this point. Can someone help?
export const sendMagicLink = (email: string, redirectUrl: string) => {
const auth = getAuth(getClientApp());
const actionCodeSettings = {
url: redirectUrl,
handleCodeInApp: true
return sendSignInLinkToEmail(auth, email, actionCodeSettings);};
const handleSubmit: svelte.JSX.EventHandler<SubmitEvent, HTMLFormElement> = async ({
}) => {
email = new FormData(currentTarget).get('email') as string;
const redirectUrl = `${window.location.origin}/auth/confirm`;
state = 'submitting';
try {
await sendMagicLink(email, redirectUrl);
state = 'success';
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
state = error;
} else {
state = new Error('something went wrong sending the magic link