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(original) encapsulates the database access classes


Encapsulates the database Access classes, support Access, using open source MIT agreement,

After a few days ago to try find VB class modules, I am not very good, and I used to code a global variable serious (most was written during his first year of undergraduate course) abuse, so I these two days to refactor the code, one of my projects under and using VB6 class module encapsulates the database access, convenient pile inquisitor,

CodePudding user response:

The code address: https://code.csdn.net/snippets/576568

CodePudding user response:

Authorization code: MIT
'licensing agreement: MIT
'founder: Sun Rui
Private m_Res As ADODB. You

Private m_Conn As ADODB. Connection

Private m_Command mand the As ADODB.Com

Private m_ConnString As String

Private m_FilePath As String

Private m_Params As New Collection

'rule: every function, after the completion of execution must empty m_Command, and create an empty object
'[class initialization, release]
Private Sub Class_Initialize ()

End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate ()
The Set m_Res=Nothing
The Set m_Conn=Nothing
The Set m_Command=Nothing
End Sub

'[class attribute]
'the database connection string
Public Property Get the ConnectionString () As String
The ConnectionString=m_ConnString
End Property

Public Property Let the ConnectionString (ByVal vNewValue As String)
End Property

The Public Function ExecQuery (ByVal SqlStr As String) As you

Dim tempRes As New you

Mand Set m_Command=New ADODB.Com
Call openConn
M_Command. ActiveConnection=m_Conn
M_Command.Com mandText SqlStr=
The Set tempRes=m_Command. The Execute ()
TempRes. ActiveConnection=Nothing
Call closeConn
The Set ExecQuery=tempRes
The Set m_Command=Nothing

End the Function

The Public Function ExecParamQuery (ByVal SqlStr As String, ParamArray Params ())

Dim tempRes As New you

Dim As Long I

Mand Set m_Command=New ADODB.Com
'to open the connection
Call openConn
M_Command. ActiveConnection=m_Conn
M_Command.Com mandText SqlStr=
M_Command.Com mandType=adCmdText

'set the parameter
With m_Command

For Each param In Params

Dim Para As ADODB library. The Parameter

The Set Para=. CreateParameter (CStr (I), GetVarType (param), adParamInput, LenB (param))
Para. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/param
. The Parameters. Append Para

End With

Get the execution record set after
The Set tempRes=m_Command. The Execute ()
'with the database connection decoupling
TempRes. ActiveConnection=Nothing
'close the database connection
Call closeConn
'return data set object reference
The Set ExecParamQuery=tempRes
'empty command object
The Set m_Command=Nothing

End the Function

The Public Function ExecNonQuery (ByVal SqlStr As String) As Long

'the influence lines of variables
Dim affectedRows As Long

'create binding Command objects
Mand Set m_Command=New ADODB.Com
'to open the connection
Call openConn
'binding Command to the database connection
M_Command. ActiveConnection=m_Conn
'set the SQL statement
M_Command.Com mandText SqlStr=
'set the SQL type
M_Command.Com mandType=adCmdText
'get executed affect the number of rows
M_Command. Execute affectedRows
'close the database connection
Call closeConn
'empty command object
The Set m_Command=Nothing
'return to affect the number of rows
End the Function

The Public Function ExecParamNonQuery (ByVal SqlStr As String, ParamArray Params ()) As Long

Dim As Long I

Dim affectedRows As Long

Mand Set m_Command=New ADODB.Com
'to open the connection
Call openConn
M_Command. ActiveConnection=m_Conn
M_Command.Com mandText SqlStr=
M_Command.Com mandType=adCmdText

'set the parameter
With m_Command

For Each param In Params

Dim Para As ADODB library. The Parameter

The Set Para=. CreateParameter (CStr (I), GetVarType (param), adParamInput, LenB (param))
Para. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/param
. The Parameters. Append Para

End With

Get the execution record set after
M_Command. Execute affectedRows
'close the database connection
Call closeConn
'empty command object
The Set m_Command=Nothing
'return to affect the number of rows
End the Function

As Public Sub SetConnToFile (ByVal FilePath String)
M_ConnString="PROVIDER=Microsoft. Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0. Data Source="& amp; FilePath & amp; ";"
End Sub

Public Sub ReleaseRecordset (ByRef dbRes As ADODB. You)
The Set dbRes=Nothing
End Sub

'[method] within
Private Sub openConn ()
The Set m_Conn=New ADODB. Connection
M_Conn. CursorLocation=adUseClient
M_Conn. Open the ConnectionString
End Sub

Private Sub closeConn ()
M_Conn. Close
The Set m_Conn=Nothing
End Sub

The Public Function GetVarType (ByRef Value As the Variant) As DataTypeEnum

Dim k As New ADODB.Com mand

The Select Case VarType (Value)

Case VbVarType. VbString
GetVarType=DataTypeEnum. AdVarChar

Case VbVarType. VbInteger
GetVarType=DataTypeEnum. AdSmallInt

Case VbVarType. VbBoolean
GetVarType=DataTypeEnum. AdBoolean

Case VbVarType. VbCurrency
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