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Calculate Monthly Highest Selling Product - MS Excel


enter image description hereI am trying to figure out how to get the product with the highest sales per month using Excel. I'm new to excel and it's been a struggle understanding what formula to use.

Please help!

CodePudding user response:

Use a Pivot Table to summarize the data. Use these columns in your fields:

enter image description here

Click the dropdown arrow in the Product column, choose value filters, Top 10. Choose top 1 by sum of sales: enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Screenshot(s) refer:


Sample data (B:M) and unique product ID / unit cost list (O:Q)

Sample data and Unique Product List

Note: Unique product List ony required for Method 3 - see below

Notice col M 'Sales' derived as Store cost / unit cost:


Sales per transaction

Only relevant if transactions comprise 1 or more sales of a given product (here, transactions 1001, 1008 comprise 3 pool covers and 4 pool domes resp.). This is covered under method 3 (can also be handled by method 1, albeit only the single product/trans is given in that example).


  1. Pivot Table method - can handle 'single' or 'multi' product variations
  2. Countifs method - only for 'single' product per trans
  3. Sumifs method - as for pivot table method

1. Pivot Table

(quick but not v. dynamic - i.e. requires refreshing)

a) Select the sample data, and click 'Analyse Data' in Home section of main ribbon:

Analyse Data

b) In the 'Ask a question about your data' search bar, type 'Which is the most common 'Product' each month?

Analyse Data

c) Select 'insert Pivot table'

Pivot Table with top product per month


  • You may need to sort row labels if you want this to read chronologically Jan->Apr
  • You can try different variations or select one of the suggestions to allow or other summaries, e.g. by $ sales / multi-product variation etc

2. Max number of sales per month (1 sale per transaction) requires Office 365 compatible version of Excel

Obtain unique list of months:


Unique month list

Obtain complete & unique lists for Product IDs each month, for unique lists, determine corresponding count of product IDs (countifs); then join the filtered list corresponding to product ids with max counts using text join -


Option 2 - single product/transaction result

Option 3 - multi product/transaction

As for option 2 (Office 365, unique month, complete/unique lists, etc.) but now countifs replaced by sumifs, and col M (# sales, cf. set up) utilised:


Multi-product sales per trans results


  • Product codes 9822 (Jan) and 1002 (Feb) outrank other products returned by Option 2 due to multi-product sales (3 and 4 resp.).
  • This method is most robust as it can be used to return Product Codes with the highest profit/commission etc. (simply by altering values in col M).
  • E.g. setting col M = £Commission yields the following 'highest commission earning Products' each month:

Product ID with highest $ commission each month

In this case, Products 1002 and 1003 dominate - given their sales volumes and high unit costs (comm. assumed 20% flat across each product otherwise).

General points

Notes: Assuming you intended to insert table as follows:

| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
|  Month |  Transaction Number |  Product Code |  Product |  Store Cost |  Sale Price |  Profit |  Commission |  First name |  Last name |  Sale Location  |
| Jan| 1001| 9822|  Pool Cover|  $58.30 |  $98.40 |  $40.10 | 8.02|  Charlie|  Barns|  NM |


Month Transaction Number Product Code Product Store Cost Sale Price Profit Commission First name Last name Sale Location
Jan 1001 9822 Pool Cover $58.30 $98.40 $40.10 8.02 Charlie Barns NM

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